Mature Prophets with Danny Steyne

Episode 1 March 17, 2023 00:50:28
Mature Prophets with Danny Steyne
Fire School Of The Holy Spirit-Warriors on Fire
Mature Prophets with Danny Steyne

Mar 17 2023 | 00:50:28


Show Notes

Today Danny Steyne ( will be teaching about how to flow in the maturity of the prophetic.

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Episode Transcript

SPEAKERS Thierry Nakoa, Danny Steyne, Renee Thomas 00:00 Welcome to the school of the Holy Spirit, we shine the light of Jesus over you, we sprinkle his blood on you, and wash you with the water of His Word. Lord, forgive us of our sins as we forgive those who have trespassed against this Holy Spirit send forth your flames of fire, ministering spirits. You are angels, to minister to all the listeners, may the eyes of your understanding be enlightened, so that you may know the limitless love of the Father in Christ Jesus for you 00:40 all right, it's good to be with you, Terry, taken a long time to get to get here, hasn't it? But um, I, I looked at your title, and I went, Well, I guess we could go there, or we could go anywhere. You know, let me let me just give you a tiny bit more history. So you kind of understand my my thinking and part of my whole reason I even talk about people calling me Danny versus apostle, prophet, whatever. I tell people, I'm the sixth member of the fivefold ministry. You have apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor, teacher, and then you have available and pretty much that's been my, my forte for many years ever since I was in California in the early 80s, and was a part of the vineyard in both Yorba Linda and then when it moved to Anaheim, I was there. And my life was completely wrecked at that, at that time. The first person I ever met who was at the vineyard at that point in time was Lonnie frisbee he actually preached the first message I ever heard at the vineyard and the Holy Spirit came in great power. And, but that's all history is 40 years ago now. And we are looking at today, we're not looking at 40 years. And I've been very grateful that the Lord has allowed me to be a part of this era of the church, because honestly, I can't think of a better era to be a part of I believe God is bringing everything to a culmination to a climax. Throughout the earth, literally revival is breaking out throughout the earth. I believe that the prophetic word that Bob had Bob Jones had about the 1 billion Youth Harvest is well on the way. But I also believe that there's more than a billion, I believe that there's people who are not the Youth Harvest that are going to be saved during this time as well. And I'm very excited about that. You know, I think the first thing I'm going to do is I'm going to talk about the whole title thing, just because I kind of began there. And because Terry did, and we're going to, if you have a Bible or you I can read it for you, but most of us know this passage, if you're in here, I imagine you do. In Philippians chapter four, it talks about the fact that God gave gifts and he gave them, interestingly enough, even to the rebellious. But he talks about in I'm sorry, Ephesians, not Philippians Ephesians. Four, I was off one book. And that's not normal for me right there. But um, here we go. So, in Ephesians, four, it speaks about the fact that God gives all these gifts, but also in verse 11. And this is where most people have centered their whole maturity, if you will, of what God is looking for. And he gave some as apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, some was pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of service, so that the body of Christ can be built up until we all attain to the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God to mature man to the measure of the stature which belongs to the fullness of Christ. Very interesting passage. And, you know, a number of years ago, the Lord began speaking to me specifically about this. And he said, Danny, these are gifts. He said, You have seen mature and immature prophets, you have seen mature and immature apostles. You've seen mature and immature pastors and teachers, and evangelists. You've seen those who are imagery there are people that you would never go to for counsel or for wisdom. They may carry incredible anointing on their life. But it doesn't mean that they've grown up. And as he spoke to me, he said, Danny, he said, I really am looking for fathers. I'm looking for. That's, and that's where he speaks of it. And Timothy and Peter, we, we learn something about the fathers in First John, we learned you know, that this blessed for your children, because your sins have been forgiven, that's reality. They realize I my sins are forgiven, and you may still function in any of those gifts, you may actually have a very accurate prophetic word, you may actually have a very giftedness in regards to evangelism during those days, when you just got saved. But then it says, I write to you young men, because you've overcome the evil one. And that really goes much more into the reality that you are, you're a warrior now you're you become someone who is, who is matured enough that you know, the schemes of the devil, you know, how he fights you. And as a result, you you have the ability to war with him and overcome. But then it says, I write to you. Open, because you have known him who has been from the beginning. And, and the place of greatest. How can I put it importance, if you will, not that one person is more important than other? That doesn't, that doesn't work. But the place the designation a big a being a father. That's why That's why Paul encourages that he encouraged us. If you want to become an elder, if you want to become an overseer, it's a good thing. But you have to understand there's some qualifications that have to be there. Why because you're not just measuring things out under the anointing, it's that your life has been so immersed in the anointing that wisdom has begun to bear fruit in your life. And you can help people in their marriages, in their decisions, in incredible ways, with great wisdom. And, and so I want to just kind of set that parameter so that you understand that I'm not belittling any of the gifts, I don't belittle tongues, I actually, tongues cost me more than any other gift in in the world, it was a horrible thing. Because I, I went through a loss of a lot of people and for even a short time I, some of my family was really upset with me. So it costs me but I value it so much. I just value what God is giving in. In that whole arena of the gifts, and I just picked on one, obviously there's nine of them. But there's nine and then there's there are five, but they are just gifts, you can't earn them. You can't make them happen. It's something that flows naturally out of you is who God has made you to be. And so as a result, you function who owes things just as tongues comes naturally through us. When we when we flow in that just as, as those who function in the prophetic, it just flows naturally. There's no contriving, I've seen a lot of the prophetic training these days, and we've done I've done prophetic training since about 1991. And which is a long time. But in that way, the prophetic training we did was truly prophetic. It wasn't just words of encouragement, and words of encouragement are wonderful. I will take all the words of encouragement we can get. But a prophetic word is is far different. It holds in it the reality that there's something very supernatural that has happened when we began the whole prophetic journey for me, training people there were five individuals who were seemingly prophetic in the church. I was pastoring at the time. I had gone through some encounters with Bob Jones and Paul Kane and John Paul Jackson by this time, and it was an incredible release that would happen and it's very interesting when prophetic people around how the prophetic will be stirred in prophetic people. And I've learned that those who are afraid of going to gatherings with prophetic people are not prophetic. And they're scared of being looked at and and called out it's really kind of funny, but, but I immersed myself in all of that I wanted to learn. I knew I was prophetic. I knew there were things that had happened to me. Since I was a kid. At five years old, I told my, my parents, they were going to have a baby girl the next year. And indeed they did. And I didn't understand it in those days, like I do now, but I mean, pictures where people were, what they were doing and what they needed to do. And, and those became a part of the foundation of what was there. And so I remember one Sunday in particular, this would have been in about 1991. About that time. I, I said to the five prophetic people I was working with, I said, Hey, I, I'm dealing with something and I need an answer. I told them nothing. And they said, that's all we get. So that's it. And that afternoon, one of them her name's Dee. She called me. And she said, yeah, you received a brown paper package in the mail. It was addressed from your sister in law. And she was sending it to your eldest daughter, and it had some kind of a toy in it. That was black and gold. And yes, your sister in law is still involved in the occult. And yes, you do need to destroy it. And which was exactly what I needed. Because we had received literally a package from my eldest daughter, from her aunt, basically, that showed that it was wrapped in brown paper package it was it has something black and gold, it actually had a gold dress with a with a with a gold sash. And, but when we got it, we went, Well, this seems pretty benign, we don't really need this. And so we decided, well, let's just find out if we, if we need to keep this, you know, because it's okay. But everything previously had come from her aunt was not from the Lord. So as a result, we learned no, you can't keep this this was dedicated to the enemy. And it's intended to produce something in Jenny's life. So we destroyed it. That was how we began, I believe in what's called the The Daniel to 22 company. And that's what I believe in for the prophetic and that is not where you interpret dreams that are told to you, but where you actually tell the people the dream, they're having an interpreted to them. That's prophetic. It's and so we have really watered down what the prophetic is, and it's, for me a real problem in the body of Christ because everybody's prophesying encouragement. There are things in the prophetic you learn you grow. The prophetic also is a, it's an opportunity for people to step into, they may not step into it, they may decide they don't want to rebellion is still a part of the free will of man. And so as a result, there are prophetic words of God's intent, and what God wants to do. But then there are the words that are words that are not about a person's decision, they are just simply, this is what the Lord is saying, this is what will happen, and it will happen. So I've watched that for a long time. And I have learned that in the prophetic. Usually in immaturity, people want to give words to people. I've learned that I don't necessarily want to give words to people, but I'm responsible to give words to people. Based upon Ezekiel, if I don't warn somebody, if I don't speak to them, If I don't encourage them, you know, and what God has called me to do with them. God will hold that. And their blood, if they're if they're in sin, He will hold that against me. And Ezekiel, it speaks to that twice. And we see that there's a role that we play, that we are Watchmen, we must deliver and it doesn't matter who he tells us to deliver to. I remember one meeting was with probably about 70 pastors, and we were sitting in this room and at the end of the meeting, the Lord began speaking and giving prophetic words to people and and then he showed me this one man, well, I didn't like that man. I'm just being really honest with you, I didn't like him I didn't. I had heard he was pretty harsh with people. There were things that I just didn't like about his character. And he wasn't one that I would have picked. The Lord said, Danny, you got to give him this word. And the word was all encouragement. It was, it was a crazy, profound, effective spot on word for the man who needed it, but I didn't want to give it. But I do not get to decide who to give a word to or who not. I can only do what my father is doing. And if my father is doing that, then I'll be wrong. What's to say? Let every man be a curse. But God's no liar, God's no liar. We are we are the ones who who carry the mismanagement of so much that God gives us and I've been in gatherings where people are questioning money for prophetic words. I think that's prophetic vulgarity. Because what happens is that when God is speaking for another man, you basically are making him pay for somebody to give you a word that doesn't, does not compute anywhere in Scripture. I believe that is the sin of gay hazai. When get hazai was with Elijah. I'm sorry, Alicia, when he was with Alicia and he, they baptized naman in the Jordan. And afterwards, the haze, I followed him on the road. And because he offered money to Alicia, I said, No. But then get Hayes. I was like, Well, man, I can get something free here. And so he ran out on the road and stopped him. He says, Yeah, we actually we can use because somebody's showing up. And we can use some of that gold and some robes and stuff like that. And when he returned to Elijah, he said, what's going on with you on the road, I saw you I was there. And therefore his thin, or his his disease, the leprosy is going to come on you to hazai. And I believe that when people do that, in the prophetic, that's exactly what they're doing. You can't you can't get paid to give the prophetic. It's not it's it's not holy. What is Holy God will do. And, and the reality is, is that God wants to take people into a realm of prophetic maturity, before the Lord where you understand God will meet all my needs, according to his riches, and glory. And God, God is the one who sets us apart for what He has called us. And, and when he's called us, he will pay for what he's called us to do. My wife and I have learned this over the past, about 20 years now be 20 years this year, actually began in the fall. But um, I was pastoring, a church at a salary. I was actually started a number of churches at that point in time. But as we moved to South Carolina, and the Lord said, this one's mine, I'm taking care of him. No, you can't get a job. Even though you have nine kids. You have to learn to trust me. I was like, wow. Lord, this is crazy. So I moved, we moved he said, buy a house. It was during the period where that you could state your, your, your income, I just use the previous year's income as my stated income. And we bought a house. He then said, go buy a car. And we bought a car. Now I hadn't, we had no work. We had no jobs at that point in time that we were doing. I was I wasn't moving to, to a ministry where where there was a offerings coming in, or salaries being being offered. And the Lord just said, I want to teach you, I want you to learn how to walk with me. And so that first year, honestly, it was very difficult. We didn't neither neither care nor I really knew how to do it. But we did it. And in about eight months, I remember my coming home from a trip and my wife had redesigned our whole living room kitchen area, and she put more furniture and, and new new things on the walls and just completely redecorated. And I said, Wow, I said did did some money come in or something? And she said, No, she said, I just had time with Jesus and says I was worried about everything you know, and The Lord told me, Karen, can you find a better boss than me? And she said, No. He said, Well, why do you worry. He said, I know how I've created you have created, you be creative. You have children, that you want to go into dance and into music and all those those kinds of things that you do with your children when they're growing up. He said, I want you to do them. And I want you to be creative. And he said, I will take care of it, I will take care of it. That was when we began realizing that the name Jehovah Jireh, doesn't mean just the Lord will provide you means the Lord will see to it. And so we have learned through the years, he has always been to it, we still live on that basis, by the way, we don't get salaries, we, we know Papa, God brings in the resources when he needs to bring in the resources. There have been many trips I paid for by myself and have received nothing in those trips, because I am not an invited one. I am a cent one. And every single one of those people who carry those gifts, Apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor, teacher, every single one of them, they are not invited, they are sent that we are the called out ones Ecclesia. We are the called out ones to be sent, that God can send us whether the pay is good or bad, that we are commissioned by the very presence of God, to fulfill what He wants us to fulfill in, in and through our lives. And I personally believe that Paul, by the end of it by the end of the days, for him, he is sitting in, in prison. And he's writing to Timothy. And he tells Timothy says, Listen, I'm already poured out, I poured it all out. I'm not leaving my mantle to anybody else. I've done everything God has called me to do. But you need to fan into flame. Those things inside of you that were prophesied that that you got to carry your own mantle, you got to walk with your own mantle, I'll talk about that just for a second, I realized I'm going through a number of different subjects right now. I've got a couple more I'm gonna go through as well. But um, but one of the things that we often think and we chase people, people chase the anointing. I'm going to talk about revival in a few minutes. And what is happening here, but but we chase anointing, or I shouldn't say that we chase those who are anointed. And as a result, we make them out to be idols in our lives. We want to be just like this person, or just like this person, would you please lay hands on me so I can get what you've got. And the reality is, I believe in impartation. But the reality is, is that there is something so profound in the call of God on your own life, that God wants you to fulfill that call. And the only way you receive another mantle, which is actually the reason I'm here in New England not share the story with you. But it was because somebody did not complete their call. They were not finished. And so Elijah did not complete his call. There were two kings he had not ordained and as a result of not ordaining them, the call was still in effect. Alicia knew that. Elijah new Elijah is escaping here without having to finish what God called him to finish. So he says, I want a double portion of what's on you. What is that the prophetic mantle? I want the prophetic mantle that God has put on my own life and I want the prophetic mantle. God's put on your life. I want double portion. I want I want your portion and mine. And I will finish what God called you to finish. I'll finish it for you. Because it's what my father wants. It's not because not because I want to do something for you, Elijah, but it's because I have a heart for the Father. And so you receive them that way. And I remember back in 2012, it was March. So what what is that? That's almost 11 years from right right now. And so what happened? I had this dream and in the dream, John Paul Jackson was handing me keys. I'm cutting the story way short and you I knew the Lord was in the Keys he was giving me was to his car. And so I, I wrestled with that I was like, Lord, what are you saying? He's saying, what will you pick up? What he never completed in New England? Will you take it. And he had been sent to New England, he was here in New England for a short time, and planted three churches while he was here, and was greatly used of God in the region. But he was invited somewhere else, I think, to Texas, and as a result of that invite, and what we would have there, he decided to take it anyway. And, and one of the remaining calls on his life for here was to Father awakening. And so he left. And I knew that and the Lord says, Will you take that upon yourself? Danny, will you? Will you add this to the anointing I have on your life? I said, Yes, Lord, you want it. I'll do that. And so we're coming into a season right now. Where revival seems to be breaking everywhere, everywhere. I get reports every day, about revival breaking in different countries, things are happening, things are happening across the United States. There was a second film, The Jesus revolution. Completely over, there was understatements that were being are understated what they thought it would do. It is so incredibly being used by God. People are getting saved in that people are coming to the Lord, there are people who are ministering to people, people are coming back to the Lord. It's just a very powerful thing. And just this last week, excuse me. Just this past week, we had the situation of this movie come out in Jesus name. And some theaters were shut down. The movies was shut off, because there were so many manifestations of demons, manifesting as a result of this movie, and being delivered. They had to stop the movie. That is unheard of. And we're in a, we're in an era where God is He's busting out, you know, he's moving into schools. He's moving in the theaters. That's Entertainment, you realize he's about to move in business, you realize he's about to move in, in many realms, and we who know the Lord, are the ones who have have to help foster that, and encourage that and say, No, this is exactly what happens. I do not believe that we have to necessarily go every day every night for that to be considered revival. My good friends, rollin and Heidi Baker. They've been living in revival for a long time now, well over 20 years. And that will tell you that, and you'll say What do you mean by revival, people come to the Lord. Every day, people get delivered every day, people get healed, every day. Demons are cast out every day, the food is multiplied every day, somewhere throughout what they're doing, and they've reached literally millions of people that have come to the Lord through through what their ministry has done in Mozambique, and now throughout the world. They are absolutely living in revival. And the thing that God is doing in this hour right now is not about just increasing our ability to get together and have nice shows, I have often communicated very often. How in the Western world, you know, when we have revival, we get happy. But when the non western world, everywhere else has revival, they get harvest. They get people that come into the Lord, and they they're brought to the Lord they're being discipled they're, they're growing, that that the gifts and the fruit of the spirit of flowing through their lives and power. That to me is what will absolutely change and release what's called awakening. And I realize some people use them as the same word. Yeah, I can't think of the word. But anyways, you understand it? As a synonym. They are not synonymous. Revival is what happens to believers. And this is our our right now. It is our our as believers to be revived. That's why repentance is beginning. In fact, every Awakening. Every awakening has begun with church people and usually in a church. Everyone first first one happened here in Enfield, Connecticut not far from where we live. And it was in a church meeting. The second would begin with church people at Cane Ridge in 1790. And it began with a suppose it communion of about 200 people, I believe it was Baptists and Presbyterians that were going to get together and have communion over 20. Somewhere between 20 and 40,000. showed up in Cambridge, Kentucky, for that, and it went on for days and days, the Spirit of God moved that through revival. But the awakening part is what happens when everything else is released throughout the world. That's what we experienced during the Welsh Revival, were in the Welsh Revival, the football teams that the games they had, there's one really weird name of one of them, they all stopped, the businesses closed, because the presence of God was moving so powerfully, the police wore white gloves, because there were no criminals to go get the the prison itself. In fact, this happened also in Argentina, the prisons became prayer halls, as prisoners began praying for their nation. This is powerful, and it changes the incredible fiber of a nation. It's not based upon politics, it's not based upon certain legislation that's being done. It's not based upon judges who've made right decisions. It's based upon the Spirit of God moving throughout the earth. And we are there. I have spoken of this for many years. And, and people have wondered, what do you what do you think is coming? I believe the greatest awakening is about to happen. And we are at the cusp of it right now, in the early reigns of revival. It's happening with a young age right now. But I want you to know that, that the old are about to get hit. And we're going to pray here. And my prayer is that something begins happening here actually on this, this feed as the Spirit of God begins coming on you. And the hunger, the hunger, the hunger, the desperate hunger to be one of God's own. And being able to walk on the Isaiah 35 Highway of Holiness. We're nothing that's ungodly will be there, nothing that's unrighteous we, we are seeing things in this hour, that have to be have to be stopped, but we cannot stop them in the natural. And, you know, I'm going to share a couple couple stories, dreams and things that I've had. I was invited by a woman, her name is Nancy. And she lived in Nantucket. And when she was in Nantucket, she was just a housewife. That's who she was. And she came to that same conference that Terry was at the President's conference, and she came in afterwards, she came to me, she said, Danny, would you come to my house and do a meeting for a few of my friends? I said, Sure. And I didn't realize what I was saying, Sure, too, I had no idea. But I went to that, and then tuck it, you either have to take a plane or take a boat to get over there. And I get to the house and there are 70 people in the house. And I would say probably 90% 85 to 90% of them had no relationship with God now or ever. They were unsaved and I brought a worship leader with me to to just play guitar and lead worship just a little bit and he did one song and everybody clapped and did another song and everybody clap, they were yelling, do another one. And I realized they're not going to understand worship at all. They don't it's like a show to them. And so I just gave the time up signed to him and I just were good. Let's just go and I went to go grab my Bible and and had a message prepared and and the Lord said, what are you gonna do? I said, Lord, I said, I'm just going to that message you gave me I'm going to speak and he says, Danny, they don't even know what a Bible is. Just tell them stories. So began telling stories of what Jesus has done. You know, the church needs to live in stories like this. Because these are the stories that are changing the present reality, you'll be my witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and the uttermost parts, that you're going to be my witness that witnesses of why witnesses of reading and studying the Bible. Well, there's value huge value in that I love the word cover to cover. But the reality is, is that we have to have our own stories. And so I began speaking about a man who had was in a meeting in California in San Francisco and, and he came in he was drunk, was sitting in front of the drummer, and he was yelling in the middle of the, of the worship God, this guy's good in a totally drunk, totally drunk. And, and nobody went to go get him, they let him go, I thought, hallelujah. This is the Lord. This is the Lord that's doing this. And so what he did was he, he's doing this. And then the Lord said to me, he says, Danny, I want you to go heal his kidneys and his liver. And I walked up to him, I went behind him, and the Lord says, from the front, if anybody seen pictures of me, I'm a pretty big man. And he was a pretty big man. And he said, The Lord says, from the front, I said, Lord, that's gonna be really awkward. I said, our bellies are gonna touch. And if I put my hands on his kidneys, and he said, from the front, so I went up, and this guy is his. He's back, trying to back away a little bit with his head. And it smells ferocious because of the alcohol. It was all over him. And I prayed, and I just said, in Jesus name, I command these kidneys and this liver to be healed right now. And instantly, he said to me, what happened? And he was sober, completely sober. And he left. And I was very upset that he left. But he came back the next night. And he said, I'm the guy. And I see I know, and he was holding his arm. He said, The reason I be getting drunk, he says, I, I live on the streets. And he said, I, I broke my arm, and I can't get it fixed. And he said, Do you think God can heal my arm? I said, Absolutely. I said, Go ahead, you can stretch your arm out. And he said, it'll hurt. And I said, No, it won't. But if it does, you could stop. And he rolled his arm out. And he began shouting, Jesus healed my arm. So I shared that story. And I shared the story of a little boy in that same meeting, whose parents had brought him to me, he was eight or nine. And he been brought to me and they said, he can't speak. I said, Oh, I said, Can you hear me? They said, Yes, he can hear. And so I said, stick out your tongue. And he stuck out his tongue. And I put my finger on his tongue. And he kind of recoil backwards. And then I said, now say, the name Jesus. And he said, Jesus, again, talking. And I shared both of those stories. And, and then I'm back in and Nancy's sharing those stories at Nancy's. And then the Lord began, give me words, and there was this one couple that were there were a gay couple. And the Lord says, I want you to prophesied of them. And, you know, I question in my mind, should I, and the Lord said, I have destiny for them. He says, You need to pull them out of where they are into the destiny i have for them speak the destiny i have for them. And I did. I gave them prophetic word. They're both weeping. It was very powerful. I gave them individually to each of them. And I did to a number of other people, minister to people prophetically and then there was a line in front of me. And they were sent do to me what you did to them? I said, Lord, and they're all here, the whole line. So I began praying for praying for people and they began falling down. They'd never seen this. Excuse me, I need to get a drink. And they, they're just in this line and they began falling down and people are swearing, like, what's going on? How's this happening to me. And this one woman comes up and she's getting ready to get pregnant. She quickly ducked behind the one behind her so she can go first. Pray for her, that woman went down. And then I get to her. And she, she, the whole way, she's falling down. She's sweating the whole time. And Spirit of God came on her. She laid there for a long time, long time. The next evening, we were out eating in one of the local restaurants and this woman came to find us, and literally found us in a restaurant, pulled up a chair from another table and sat down next to me says, I've been doing Reiki my whole life. And she said, I've seen some things, but I've never experienced what you are talking about. She said, I need Jesus, I need Jesus. I want them in my life. And she got saved right there at that dinner table. There's so many things that that God wants to do in our lives, when we begin just moving in it. And sometimes it's not a big crowd. Sometimes it's the ones and twos. Sometimes it's in people's homes. But God wants to release that through us. I share one more story with you. I remember flying from Charlotte, I was going to California to to San Francisco. And on the plane, I was sitting next to a woman who the Lord spoke some things to me about and I said, Oh, I said, you're you're going to Hawaii, but you're actually stopping in San Francisco, because your friend is in the hospital dying. And she looked at me she's How did you know that? I said, Jesus told me. And he says that if you will walk into that room and put your hand on her. This is an unsaved woman. At this point. I said if you will say to her, Jesus Christ heals you, your friend will be healed. And she looked at me. I said, really? I said, really. And then for the rest of the phone, or the rest of the flight. She kept saying, I need what's on you. She kept touching my arm grabbing my arm. And I knew what's on you. I can see something on you. And by the end of the flight, she knew Jesus. Wow. So and she went and visited a friend wrote me when she got to Hawaii. And she and then wrote me later and she said her friend was healed. I was like, of course, God doesn't lie. God doesn't lie. So the reality of not just moving in the prophetic, or any of the gifts of spirit, is that their gifts? They are my gifts. I don't own him. God. We have stepped into a season right now. I'm just gonna spend a couple minutes on this. But we have stepped into a season right now. That is unbelievable. What began at Asbury seminary University was unheard of my daughter, Rhea, got to be there at the for a couple nights a couple of days. And she began communicating Misha data was so easy. It was it. I didn't realize it was this easy that we don't have to strive for this. We don't have to force this. And all they were doing dad was just singing worship songs. In fact, two of the worship songs she said, I don't really want to hear again, because we sing them like 100 times a day. It was everybody had to sing the worthy song, everybody, every worship team that got up there. And, and so she said, but they just kept worshiping. They just were loving Jesus. That was it. And it was producing in them a hunger it was producing in them, a thirst for God and it was made was bringing them to the point of repentance. And, and, you know, I personally believe that the very presence of God is his kindness. And so if you get close to the kindness of God, He will lead you to repent, he'll lead you to change what you've what you've done where you've been. And so that kindness that prevails when he is around is amazing. So we worship we worship more, you know, I'm a part of when the Lord called us to be mountain of worship he he said it's going to have a lot of worship, lots of worship, and our our, our our hour and a half to our worship times are amazing where the Spirit of God moves in power. There is great power. Why? Because we're adoring him. And we're not adoring him to get him. We're adoring him because we have him. We're loving him. Because he's here we're, we're loving him because he's worthy of it. We're not, we're not doing something. It's not the, the pre, the pre to the good meeting, it's not the early stuff that while we think some songs so that we can get to the good stuff. The worship is the good stuff, it is the best stuff it is when we honor God, it is the highest priority we hold. Why? Because he's worthy of it. For no other reason than he is worrying. Not even if we have had something happen to us whether it be good or bad. Though the fig tree does not bless them, the there be no grapes on the vine, yet we'll either exalt in God, I'll rejoice and God my savior. And so we, we don't worship Him to try and make things happen. We worship him. Because he's worthy. Because he's, he's worthy. He's worthy of it all. Because he didn't have to do anything. He did not have to take on flesh he didn't have to do. He's worthy. He's worthy. It's gratefulness, thankfulness, it's just the high honoring of God Almighty. And when we do that, wow, he's here. And things will flow out of that. They just will. But it may not be what you think is going to flow out of it. It's going to be what he is flowing out of, we've learned that, that we're not here to create a meeting we're here to facilitate his presence and that whatever he wants is what he's going to do Holy Spirit's on some of you even right now. Right now, and he's on you because he's facilitating what's happening in St. Danny, I'm, I'm moving on them. Let me move on them, encourage it and i i release right now I release the fire of God on your I release the very presence of God in your in your rooms in your cars, I release the kindness of God that will lead to repentance, I I release the favor of God. The favor that you know him, him who absolutely loves you. Whether you are doing good or not doing good. He loves you. The same, the same. He is not conditional in any way, shape or form. Some of you grown up in conditional atmospheres, conditional religious atmospheres where well if the pastor or the bishop or or this person says I'm doing good, then you feel good. But if they say I'm doing bad, then I'm doing bad. And you've grown up under conditional Christianity and today in Jesus name, I break the power of that conditional, that the the love of the Father is unconditional for you, he saved you just because he loves you and watch you that you are desirous to him. And I just released that to you and I break off all religious, and religiosity spirits, those things that that have caused us to believe we must do something to make God do something. I break off that spirit I break off the spirit of control where people right now it either in your life or through your life where they've been controlled, they've been manipulated to do certain things that are more righteous or more holy. I break that off in Jesus name. I release right now. Lord, the prophetic mantle father that is all over all over. Lord Terry's life I speak right now, Father, Lord, that there will be a serious dialing back to be able to hear the power of the voice of God flowing through him that those who function prophetically those who function prophetically would know would know that God, God has called them to speak and speak words to people for them, whether it be one or 10,000. So we release that right now. So Lord, I just ask that you just completely nurture and fill every person here and release the presence of God all over their life all over their families. All over all over them. In Jesus name. Amen. 50:05 Thank you for taking the time to listen to the full message from the school of the Holy Spirit to find this on the clubhouse on your app. For more information visit us at school of the Holy Spirit dot club. That school of the Holy Spirit duck club

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