The Art of Waiting on God part 2 with Cheri Sapp and Thierry Nakoa

Episode 1 September 10, 2022 01:07:34
The Art of Waiting on God part 2 with Cheri Sapp and Thierry Nakoa
Fire School Of The Holy Spirit-Warriors on Fire
The Art of Waiting on God part 2 with Cheri Sapp and Thierry Nakoa

Sep 10 2022 | 01:07:34


Show Notes

The Art of Waiting on God part 2 with Cheri Sapp and Thierry Nakoa.

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Episode Transcript

Thierry Nakoa 0:00 Welcome to the school of the Holy Spirit, we shine the light of Jesus over you, we sprinkle his blood on you, and wash you with the water of His Word. Lord, forgive us of our sins as we forgive those who have trespassed against this Holy Spirit. Send forth your flames of fire, ministering spirits. You are angels, to minister to all the listeners. May the eyes of your understanding be enlightened, so that you may know the limitless love of the Father in Christ Jesus for you. Holy Spirit, we thank You. We thank you for your presence. We thank You, Lord, that you are here God. We thank You, Lord, that as we learned how to pray, how to wait, how to listen, how to walk with you on how to ascend, or Jesus, we just thank you, that we are in you. We are embedded in you. We are your yours, you are ours. We are married to you. We are one flesh with you one flesh and bones of your bones, flesh of your flesh. Thank you, father. Thank you, father. Thank you, thank you for the door Jesus for the way Jesus for the truth, Jesus. Thank You, Lord Jesus, for your word and your spirit. That is in this place. We asked you that you would have manifest yourself in each and every one in this place that we will not only receive the word but an impartation. Or that you will stir up hunger for you for your presence for you for not those things that other men are following. But for you, God for what you are for who you are. Because it's all about you, Jesus. It's all about you. God is not about fads and all these other things. It's about you God, stir up the genuine hunger for you. stirred up again gotta again and again, to love God, that we would love you with all our hearts with all our strength, Lord, our strength and our might God stir up the spirit of the fear of the Lord, in holiness to you God, that we would fear the Lord and run away from evil and walk away from God, that we would vote with our feet. Lord Jesus, we thank you, we thank you for your spirit. We thank you for your blood God, we sprinkle the blood of Jesus, on every right ear of each person that is in this place that is coming in this place. We break every hindrance and everything that would hinder them from understanding and receiving your revelation God, Lord, that it would be revelation, not information God, that it would touch and hit the core of their spirit God, Lord. We sprinkled the blood of Jesus over the right thumb, so that they will be able to apply what they that they will learn and they're learning that there will be written in the table of their hearts God, Lord, we sprinkle the blood of Jesus on the right toes, God, they would walk worthy of your calling that they would walk in these principles. Lord Jesus, we asked you, and we thank you we pray a hedge of protection over them, that the enemy would not steal any of these revelation entities impartation that is caught. Lord Jesus, from You, Lord. So when we begin to think about prayer, waiting, listening, walking and ascending, is it a progression. And when the Lord says in Jeremiah 2913, he says, and you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for me, with all all of your heart, when you look at in Hebrew, all means all. All of your heart. That means all of your being, all of who you are, all all of you. When you seek Me and find Me when you search for me, to ask the Lord to give you a heart to search for him. Ask the Lord to give you a heart to seek for him to go to the ends of the earth to seek for him to look for him and you will find him. He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek channel. What is prayer? Prayer is having a dialogue with God it is talking and listening. But he's not only talking but it's listening as well. Prayer is nourished by the Word I have God. Prayer is having a conversation with the Father. Prayer is being in the audience of the king. And so how do we do that? How do we spend that time with him? We gotta wait. We have to learn to wait on Him. Before we begin to walk, before we begin to move before we get into a sand that's why it says, and you will seek Me, capital and find me. And when you search for Me with all your heart, God is a rewarder of those who diligently seek him, you'll find that Hebrews 11 Six be like when you look at Enoch, he said, Enoch walked with God, and he was not put God took him. That's the only account that it says in Genesis 524 That he walked with God. And then he was not. And he was caught up in the heavenly places. How is that? But before you can walk, you must wait on him. You must learn to wait on in. Learn to wait. So that you may be able to walk worthy, walk circumspectly. And when you walk circumspectly, just like you're walking on a glass that's broken on the floor, you take every step carefully, knowing and fearing the Lord, and running away from evil. The Lord will keep you in all your ways, he will do it because he knows. He knows the hearts of men, He knows your heart. He knows the desires of your heart. But what he's looking for is for you to draw near to Him, draw near to God, and He will draw near to you, James four and eight. He says, he says come to me, draw near. Forget about going after all these demonics and all this other stuff. Your principal focus should be to look into the eyes of Jesus Christ. Look at those eyes that are flames of fire, the eyes of God. Look at him, the majesty and the beauty of the king. That's your focus. And your only love when someone a man or a woman or a woman loves a man or a man loves a woman to have no one else in their gaze, but that person and they look and they gaze and they look and they gaze, and they appreciate. And they say thank you, God. They look and they gaze and they say thank you, God, just like the creatures up in the heavenly places. They look at the Lord and they turn into say holy, they look at the turning again and say holy, something new, something beautiful, something, the beauty of His Holiness. Begin to start looking at God in that way. As he turns you turn and you say, God, I want to draw nearer to you. I want to draw nearer to you. Because you will draw near to me as I draw near to you. You can't love God without God as you love him. He will love on you love on him. You can't love God without Holy Spirit, and vice versa. So begin to open up your heart. Call to me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things which you do not know. That's what the Lord is saying to you right now. There's a call there's a call of hunger and he's calling you will you answer him? He says if you call me I will answer you and I will show you great and mighty things which you do not know things that you've never even thought of things that your mind can even conceptualize that you have to call on him. You call on him. People answer you. When was the last time you called on the Lord and you said Come, Come Holy Spirit. Come and feel me. Come and spend time with me. I just want to see you I just want to be in your presence. I have a hunger for you. I have a hunger to be there with you. Just like a lover loves Oh daughters of Jerusalem. Find him look for him. Look for the bride. Look for the king. Look for him search for him. When was the last time that you fell in love with him again and again. When was the last time you looked for him? Early in the morning. Late at night you said I'm putting away these toys I'm putting away this social media putting away these, whatever. I just want to spend time with you. I just want to spend time with you, Lord convict us of righteousness come back to all of us of righteousness. That's what waiting is. That's what draw you near is. Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscious and our body washed with pure water. Hebrews 1022 That's how you draw near you draw near with a true heart knowing with full assurance that he has cleansed you that he has purified you with the washing of the water of the word as a bride WAIT ON HIM WAIT on Him come on let's just wait on Him let's wait on Him. Purity therefore brethren, having boldness to enter the holiest by the blood of Jesus, by new and living way which he consecrated for us through the veil, that is his flesh and having a high priest or the house of God. Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water. The washing of the water of the word he says wash the bride wash your wives with the washing of the water of the Word. Let the King of Glory wash you. Let God Himself wash you with His Word. When you have things that are bothering you, and you have all these demonic spirits that are pressing you to wait on Him. Read the scriptures have him come and wash you cleanse you wash your feet. Let Jesus wash your feet. Repent from all these busyness and all these excuses when was the last time let him convict us of righteousness. So let's look into the word be still. One of the words the first words that we see as sons 4610. He says, Be still and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nation I will be exalted in the earth and that word, to be still to stand still comes from Psalms 4610. And it's the Hebrew word for Raqqa which means to stand still. So in Hebrew, there's these four words that are used for the concept of waiting. The first one is Rafah means to stand still. And you find that in Psalms 46 times I just read the next one is do Mia is to wait in silence. Psalm 62 one and five to wait in silence. Wait in silence let's just practice that just one minute here. Let's just wait in silence. Scripture read Psalm 62 Once is truly my soul silently waits for God. From him comes my salvation. Truly mice All silently waits for God, it's from him comes my salvation. None other none, no, no one else one in five says 62 one or 62 Five says, My soul that's your mind, your emotion and your will, says my soul, wait silently from God alone, for my expectation is from him and I can go on and say 62 Six is and he only is my rock and my salvation, He is my defense, I shall not be moved. If you're in the hands of the Father, no one can move the father. If you are a baby that is being held by the father, no one can shake you because they have to shake the Lord. They can't shake him. He is our strong tower. He is our defense. He is our stronghold. He is He only is my rock and my salvation, He is my defensive and I shall not be moved. Who are you trusting right now? Who are you looking to for help? Are you trusting in God? Are you trusting in man or in your own power? The third word is gathered together in oneness. It's called Kava Kava. Kava means gather together in oneness. You could find that in Genesis one, nine, and Psalms 25 and five let me go to Psalms 25 and five since I'm in this area we get to look at that scripture here Psalms 20 fives and five says lead me in your truth and teach me for you are the God of my salvation. on you I wait all the day on you I wait all the day that word wait there is Kovach means gathered together in oneness on you. I gather together in unity in unison in oneness in union with you wait in union in oneness over him. One flesh one body you'll be holy for I'm holy, He has called you to be part of him you're already one flesh with him you already holy you already part of him. Do you know that once you know that you would understand that you can come and you can gather together with him in union in unity with Holy Spirit. And you can wait on the Lord all the day all the day when you have a waited on the Lord all the day, all day. All day you should be checking yourself to see if the dog is still on your shoulder. She checked to see if she's upon you. Check to see if the presence of God is still with you. If you've been waiting on him and you've been waiting and acknowledging him have you been cut off with him? Have you been Kovarik with him? Have you been involved with him? Have you been Kovai with him? Have you been Kovach with him? Lord we asked you that you would come along with us as we gather together in unison with you. How can two walk if they do not agree? How can you walk with Holy Spirit like Enoch did? If you are not in obedience to Him or in flow or in union or in same vibration and frequency with him? How can you not Okay so let's look at Genesis one nine, and see what it says here Genesis one nine says, Then God said, Let the waters under the heavens be gathered together into one place, and let the dry land appear and it was so that word that it used for gather together into one place is the word cover. Oh my goodness, that the waters under the heavens be gathered together into one place it was when they gather together in unity in the upper room. He came, where there was unity, with us with unity of the body when they came together in oneness in unity with God, because with themselves they were with God. And he came and he came like a mighty rushing with baptizing them with the Spirit and with fire. Are you ready to receive a baptism a fresh impartation of the Holy Spirit of His presence? gather yourself together into one place into him. kabaah yourself into him and he will show up, he will come. He will come. He will come. He responds to hunger. He responds to love. He responds to worship he responds to honor he responds to Thanksgiving. The next thing is to stand. Stand your watch. Now before I get into stand my watch let me talk about the last word for wait. It's called Chaka. Chaka means to wait earnestly with loving anticipation to wait earnestly with loving anticipation. When was the last time you waited earnestly in loving anticipation for your for for the King to come in to visit you for a Holy Spirit to come in into your prayer closet. When was that? This is for everyone, including myself. He's asking. He is asking. Let him convict us with righteousness in this place. Let him convict us with all the busiest excuses that we have. When was the last time you Shaka to the Lord. You waited earnestly with a loving anticipation just like a loving. Go waits. Or just like you wait for your husband or your wife or your spouse. Loving earnestly waiting with loving anticipation expecting for him to show up for him to come. Are you expecting him? Have you expected him? Are you expecting him? Are you waiting on him? Have you been waiting on him? Have you been waiting on him? Are you looking for him? Are you standing still? Are you waiting in silence? Are you gathering together yourself in silence in oneness? Have you waited earnestly with loving anticipation? Oh God, we want to have that kind of love. Where we wait for you in anticipation. While we wait for you in anticipation. Oh God. We want to shut you Lord Psalms 33 and 20 I'm gonna read it in a second here. Our soul waits for the Lord. He is our help and our shields. Our soul waits for the Lord. He is our help Oh, her shield Shaka. So recapping, number one, Rafa means to stand still. Psalm 4610. To do me means to wait in silence Psalm 62, one and five. Three kabbah means gather together in oneness. Genesis one nine in Psalms 25, and five. For shakaar means to wait earnestly with a loving anticipation, Psalms 33 and 20. Oh God, let us learn to be steel that has learned to wait silently, that has learned to wait in oneness that has learned to wait earnestly with loving anticipation to show you something I'm gonna show you a scripture here song Three two says, I will rise now. I said and go about the city in the streets in the squares. I will seek God I love him. I saw him but I did not find him. Oh, man, let me let me continue this whole thing. I'm just gonna continue this whole scripture that he says I saw him but I did not find him. The watchman who go about the city found me I said, have you seen the one that I love? Scarcely, and I passed by them. When I found the one I love. I held him and would not let him go until I had brought him to the house of my mother and into the chamber her who conceived me I charge you are daughters of Jerusalem, but they Gizelle or by the does of the field do not stir up nor awaken love until it pleases Jesus that is weighed on you. That has weighed on you. Let us wait on you. I charge you the daughters of Jerusalem by the gazelle or the dos and feel do not stir up the weekend. I love until he pleases let us adore him. Unknown Speaker 27:24 Yes Thierry Nakoa 27:31 I'm trying to release an impartation here for some of you. I don't know if you guys are getting this. The Holy Spirit is releasing an impartation to learn to wait on Him. These are the keys to intimacy these are the keys to stepping to greater level of his presence of flowing in whatever it is that you want to do you want to prophesy. Okay, go at it. You want to heal the sick lead. But all that stuff don't matter. If you don't love him, all that stuff don't matter. Because he's gonna say Get away from me. I do not know you get away from me. The word know is intimately. You want to flow into the prophetic you want to flow into whatever, but you don't know how to love him. You have to learn to love him. Gotta check yourself. What am I doing this stuff? Or why am I here? Why am I here? If you don't know how to love, love God and love people. You're worthless. It's just a clanging cymbal. How are you going to minister to people if you don't flow out of compassion out of the love of God? It's from the love. Are you doing this because you want people to see you? Are you doing it so that people can look at you? It's from the love of God, that the character and the gifts are sustained is from the love of God that you increase is from the love is by faith through love. I will stand my watch and set myself on the rampage and watch to see what he will say to me, and I will answer when I'm corrected. Then the Lord answered me and said write the vision and make it plain on a tablet that he may run who reads it? For the vision is yet for an appointed time but in the end, it will speak and will not lie, though it tarry. Wait for it. Wait for it because it will surely come. They will not tarry. Habakkuk two, one through three. Learn to stop and your watch as a priest, learn to stand your watch is an intercessor. Learn to stand your watch as a prophetic person lead just turned your watch as a prophet or as a pastor, as a teacher, stand upon him and watch and see what he will say to you, and how he will correct you. Learn to listen to his voice. Don't be too quick to speak. Don't be quick to say things. Be quick to listen to him. Be quick to hear his heart as a lover does. John the Revelator as a young man, he was so close to Jesus that he's had his ears to his heart. That at the Whisper at a moment's whisper, when the Lord would whisper something, he would hear he would know the heart, you would know the heart of Jesus. When was the last time that you had your ear? To the heart and the heartbeat of God? The heartbeat of Jesus? When was that you stood your watch you stood your ground and you said God. Forget about this stuff. Forget the things that I'm going through. Forget about the pain that I'm going through. Forget about me being selfish. Forget about all this. But I want to hear your heart. Are you grieved? Are you hurt? What is your thought on the matter? What do you think about this issue? How do you feel about the circumstances? What is your thought God? I want to know what you think I want to know who you are and how you are God I want to know I want to stand my watch and set myself on a rampage and watch to see what he will say to me. And what I will answer when I'm corrected. He shall cover you with his feathers and under his wings shall take refuge. His truth shall be your shield and your buckler. How does he cover you with his feathers? Those are angelic hosts, he'll set forth all the angelic protection that is needed for you all the angelic help that is needed for you. Those are his wings. You take refuge in the secret place of the Most High under him under the shadow of the Lord under him. Because his truth will be your shield and your buckler, you don't need to vindicate yourself, he will vindicate you. When people are speaking behind you, when people are stirring up things and gossiping whatever it is. He is the truth. The truth does not need defense because the truth is a lion of the tribe of Judah he is a person. He will defend you He will guard you He will keep you He will send angelic coast and they will cover you with his feathers and under his wing you shall take refuge in Psalms 91 and four you gotta learn to be purged by him. You gotta learn to go through the kill. You gotta learn to have him touch you. Don't be a busy body. Go through the refinement. Don't complain. Don't call people and tell them all this stuff. Everything that you're going through all the time. Let patients have it's perfect work. He will sit as a refiner and purifier of silver. He will purify the sons of Levi. That's you and I are priests. We are priests and kings. And you will purge them as gold and silver that they may offer to the Lord and offering and righteousness. A smaller guy three, three. He says you say that you are rich. You say that you are rich. And you have everything but you are naked. And says you think you have riches you don't buy from Me gold that is refined by my fire. trials and tribulations and all the things those are the things that purify you. Let the Lord purify you as silver. Let the Lord purify you as and purge you as gold. So that the anointing and the offering and the alabaster box that is inside let the breaking of the outer man die to self a seed will not produce until it dies itself. Let him put you under the ground. Let him humble you. hide you in the earth where no man can see. No man can see. No one can see where your private, your private your private victories. They will show as the as you begin to grow out of the earth as a plant that becomes a tree. I don't know how you died under the earth, it happened in the darkness. It is in the darkness that you were formed. It is in the darkness that the Lord began to remove things out of you. It isn't a desert that the Lord begin to set you it is in a desert. It is in the kill that is in the fire. But you have to allow patients to have it's perfect work. You wait even when you go through, you wait, even when people don't see, you wait on Him, you wait and you say God, purify me. But you know, when the time is right, you are the Master Potter, who looks at the pot in the kill. And then you say, when I see my face, in that pot in that vessel than I know, he or she is ready, and hardened and hardened to the voices of men, the rejections of men, the complaints of man, the criticism of man that You are hard enough that you're a thick skin that you wouldn't care what people say that you wouldn't be offended by religion. God is looking for those he will place in the kiln. He's looking for those who will say God purifies me purify me as a sons of Levi, Rifai me and purified me as silver and gold. Gold that is purchased by fire. Count it all joy when you fall into various trials and tribulation that patients have it's perfect work that the patients of Jesus have it's perfect work, can you? He even He learned obedience through his suffering. How much more could you my brothers and sisters we've been pacified in this western culture. We've been baby said, we've been made soft. There are people that are dying for the faith just because they just became a Christian yesterday. There are people that are dying all over the world. They can't even carry they get killed for having a Bible. They get killed for going to church. And we have 1000s of Bibles. We don't have been reading. We have a choice on these apps to go on anything on on stuff. We have a choice and options to watch TV and to get on this clubhouse and do this. But when do we take time to wait on God? When do we take time to say God, I need you I need Unknown Speaker 37:57 you. I need you. I want you. I hunger for you. Thierry Nakoa 38:07 I need you. Moses waited up for God for 40 days. On the mountain, he waited, no food, no tree. Can Moses went up into the mountain in the cloud cover the mountain now the glory of the Lord rested on Mount Sinai. And the cloud. The cloud covered in six. It's six days. And the seventh day he called to Moses are the myths of the cloud. That side of the glory of the Lord was like a consuming fire and the top of the mountain, the eyes of the children of Israel. So Moses went into the midst of the cloud and went up in the mountain and Moses was on the mountain 40 days and 40 Nights. But he waited before he entered the cloud He rested that waited for six days. Then he went in 40 days and 40 Nights. When was the last time that you waited? You said God Purge me cleanse me. Oh, who may ascend into the hill of the Lord who may stand in his holy place? He who has clean hands and a pure heart who has not lifted up his soul to an idle no Soren deceitfully that Psalms 24 three and four. The Lord will not allow you have to ascend into the hill of the Lord, into the mountain of the Lord into the presence into the throne room. He will not allow you to do that when you have critters on your life. When you have sin on your life, when you don't have clean hands. But you gotta learn to repent, stay in the position of repentance and go to the Lord and repent daily. Ask the Lord to clarify to clear you do to clean you To purge you to clean your hands to purify your heart, to wash it with the water of the word. Ask them to look and search out every idols in you. Everything every thrones of the souls, every single gray area in your heart, every single place that the enemy can place a hook, every hidden desires, and every hidden fantasies that you have all these weird fantasies that you got, we don't even know where you got it from. Oh, I like big bucks or I like tall man who I like this. Come on. Where did you get to remove all these idols? Remove all these idols, these fantasies, so that you may be able to ascend into His presence. The Lord is checking on all of us, is telling us who may ascend into the hill of the Lord who may stand in his holy place. He who has clean hands and a pure heart, who has not lifted up his soul to an idol nor Soren deceitfully. Jesus is our righteousness. It is only through his work on the cross that you can even step in. But it is your job to maintain the holiness that is already given you. It is your job to maintain the deliverance, it is your responsibility. Yeah, it is your job. It is our job our own job. Hebrews 12 One says, Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses. Let us lay aside every weight, and the sin with doth so easily be set us. Let us run with patience, the race that is set before us. Oh, God, he say get rid of these habitual sins that gets you around the mountain around the mountain you just already been delivered you out of Egypt. But you're stuck for 30 years the same place 30 years you've been saved 30 years you've been with the Lord which is still dealing with loss, you're still dealing with the pride of life, you still dealing with the lust of the flesh, the issues of life. He says when when are we going to beat these things. Because I am willing to use these things as pedestals for your elevation for you upgrade you want an upgrade. You get it by stepping on those things which stepped on you before on making those things which landed on you a stepping stone flip the script. You want an upgrade, pass your test. You want an upgrade, pass your test. He made a way there's always a door for you. There's a door for you. He gives a door for you. He says that he gives a door for you to pass. That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory may give you the spirit of wisdom and revelation and the knowledge of him. The eyes of your understanding be enlightened that you may know what is the hope of His calling what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints, what is exceeding greatness of His power toward us who believe according to the working of his mighty power, which he worked in Christ when He raised Him from the dead and sit him at his right hand in the heavenly places, far above all principality, and power and might and dominion and every name that is named not only in this age, but also in that which is the come. power that raised Jesus Christ from the dead is deep inside of you. Ready to be exercises Grace where sin abound, grace abound much more. When you are weak, he is strong. Learn to rest in him rest is a weapon. Learn to rest in his strength. Learn to rest in him learn to rest in the Lord. He is ready to fight your battle today. You can do this by yourself. It's his righteousness. It belongs to him. This is clothing step into him. For this reason about my knees to the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, from whom the whole family in heaven and earth his name, and he would grant you according to the riches of his glory to be strengthened with my through the Spirit in their inner man. God wants to strengthen us and he's strengthening us even now in the inner man, for the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. Learn to be strengthened. It was it Ziklag that David strengthened himself in the Lord. And how did he do that? He strengthened himself in the Lord because He went to him. He said, Lord, what should I do? Should I attack them? Should I pursue them. And the Lord spoke and he said, go pursue, he should overtake all of them. We, as saints of God must learn, to go into our closet and learn to strengthen ourselves in the Lord. Because after Ziklag, David became king. It was after the rejection of his own people, his own giant killers that was with him, it was at Ziklag, the lowest of the lowest part of him, it was when he came to the fullness of Him. When you get to the end of yourself, then he will begin in you. When you get to the end of you ambition of wanting to be called a prophet, when you get to the end of the ambition wanting to be known, then he will begin when you get to the end of preaching engagements, and invites and all these other stuff. And wanting to do all these things, then he will begin is when you die to those ambition. Because he does want to bless you, according to the riches of his glory, and he wants you to be strengthened in their inner man daily. But you must submit yourself to God first, then resist the devil and he will flee. You must humble yourself in the eyes of the Lord, you must lay low, you must stay low. Don't look for promotion, don't look for people to promote you. God will promote you. God knows every single person in this world. God holy spirit, has the heart of the king. In his hand, God himself had the heart of the Egyptian pharaoh in his hand. He has the heart of every man and woman he knows the place, the space, the time, the kairos moment you will meet whoever that it is that he wants you to meet. It is not in your strength. So focus on Him, focus on waiting on him, focus on the Lord, focus on him. please Him, be in the audience of one the audience of God, the Almighty King. As you pray with him, even there's 10,000 people around you and you're praying, pray as though it was only one. God is in front of you, as you preach, preach as though there's only one. Jesus who is in front of you preach as though God is the one that is looking at you is to know Christ to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge, it passes everything that knowledge puffs up. But the love of Christ's love of Christ. Not to Him who is able to do exceedingly, abundantly above all that we can ask or think according to the power that works in us. It is the power that works in you. The power that raised Jesus Christ from the dead is the same power that works in you. To him be glory in church by Christ Jesus to all generation forever and ever that's Ephesians, 314 and 21. So, when you do contemplative prayer, try to see if you can have a journal on your side. Learn stillness. Learn to see vision. Learn to Write what you see in the spontaneous moment. Journal it write it down. contemplative prayer is meditative prayer is called listening prayer. contemplative prayer is like when you see a cow is chewing. They say the cow has several stomachs. What he does is he chews on the grass. he swallows it. Then, several hours later. Two, three hours later, he regurgitates that ball of grass and begins to chew it on it again. That's what contemplative prayer is. You take the word of God, you write it on the table of your heart. You think on and you meditate on it, you chew on it. You ask God questions on this is the scriptures therefore I will look to the Lord, I will wait for God for my salvation. Oh, my God will hear me, Micah seven, seven. But know that the Lord has set apart for himself who is godly. The Lord will hear when I call to him, Psalms four and three. Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us, whatever we ask, we know that we have the petition that we have asked of him. John, one first John 514 15, Be anxious for nothing but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God, and that the peace of God which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and the minds. guard your hearts and mind through Christ Jesus. Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are, just whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report, if these things if there is any virtue, and if there is anything praiseworthy, meditate on these things. You meditate on the holy. Remember, we talked about how you are the portal of heaven, you are the door and the entrance to Holy Spirit of God on this earth. When you meditate on these things, the heavens are manifested over you, the angels are ascending and descending over you, you're walking open door, you're walking, heaven, your walk, walking Bethel. You will attract the heavens, all of Heaven is attracted to the Jesus in you. That's from grahamcooke. All of heaven is attracted to the Jesus that is in you how much Jesus is in you, how much Heaven will attract you. Oh, Jesus Christ inside of us. That is the hope of glory. That is the mystery. Thank you, father. Thank you, Jesus, that us teaching us how to be still and to know that you are God, and that You alone are exalted among the nation. Lord, you will be exalted on the earth. We thank You God that you're teaching us how to wait and be still in you and to keep our thoughts and intents in quietness in you how to wait silently and remain silently Oh, God had to hush her soul knew how to wait in oneness and everything within us. The thoughts, the emotion, every inner conflicts and noises in you, how to wait earnestly with a loving anticipation for the Holy Spirit and the love of God upon us. God, we thank You. We thank you, Jesus. So we'll continue the rest on another day in the school of the Holy Spirit. wanted to give you a little bit of what it is? And how do you wait on the Lord. And some techniques and practical things, we'll teach that in the school of the Holy Spirit. If you click on the SOS channel, follow us. And we'll show you some techniques and practical techniques on how to do that. And these are the techniques that you would use in waiting on the Lord. Not because there are things that help you get more anointed, but because they help you increase in the knowledge of God to help you increase in the love of God, which is the most important thing is number one, loving God with all our hearts with all our strength with all our might strengthen our spirit. loving him is all that matters. loving him is number one before anything. That's why he even equates says, Do you love me more than your mother, your father, your sister, your brother and your family? Do you or the comparison that means you have to hate them, doesn't mean hate them because he wants you to love them because the second commandment is to love your neighbors and love them. But he's saying that in comparison to God, you need to have a compartment that no one not a spouse. Not a not a child, not anyone on this earth. Because when these are gone, you will be by yourself. When you lose yourself, God will always be there. So when you put God first everything else will come into play. Get your priorities straight. Some of you want to get married, but you don't have a space for him in your art. You don't have a space for him. Because when that person comes to you, they will steal you will steal your heart. So God is Hey, get a place, get a place for me, but no one the most holy place where no one can get in there only the high priest, only Jesus can go in there. Only the Holy Spirit can go in there. Don't share that space with anyone. God is looking for that. It is cherishing that. He wants that in you. When you get that place for him, that he says, Okay, you're ready. You are ready. Because if those people die, those people leave you. You will always be mine. And I will always be yours. Because you put him first. You put him first. Have you learn to love me says, Have you learned to love my people. That is the only thing that he's going to ask you. When you get to have profit sharing. Cheri Sapp 56:17 is loving on the Lord and allowing God to love on us is that place that we want to be that's the place where we want to continue to be because in his presence is where we find the fullness of joy. When we find that on. We're emptying out of joy and emptying out of peace. It's time for us to press back into his presence. He's calling us God is calling for us to come. You know come I often say that he knocks on the door of our heart to door knocks on the door of the heart for us to come in. But once he gets in, then he's knocking from the inside. Asking you come Will you give me that confusion? Would you give me that what you're dealing with? Would you give that to me? He's oftentimes asking us to come. He never stops calling us. He continued to call us. Jesus says Take my yoke upon me and learn of Maine. We've learned many things in our lives. But we learn what he wants for us. And remember, his thoughts for us are good, and not evil to give us an expected in. And as we present to him to his presence, we find the fullness of joy, we find a life eternal, because that's what he is. In Him is live life if you are struggling in the natural to live, we go into him because it's in Him we live and send him we move isn't him we have our very being. There is no other place that we can dwell. Or then in his presence, man. belonging to us is longing for us to go in longing for us to trust him to believe him. Anytime we feel that anytime we get into a place where we're down and out in the press and in worried and stress is a matter of us, not trusting Him. And when we spend time in this present, that's how we gain we get to trust them more you learn to trust him more to believe in Him to trust in Him that depend on him. David So why are you downcast? Oh my soul? Put your trust in the Lord? How do we know if we're not trusting? And we as we go and as president because he reveals he reveals where we are. What we're going through what we're dealing with, he reveals that in his present, he reveals us in His presence. Isaiah when he went into the presence of the Lord, he recognize that he was a man of unclean lips and we're talking about the prophet of God. The Word of God said the day that King aside that sometimes some things have to die in our lives. Some things leave people leave, things change, situation change, for us to see God and so that we will present to him. So that will come closer to him. But when we press into him, he reveals to us the things that we need to let go of the things that we need to turn away from he reveals those things to us and, and as he revealed them to us, we we obey Him as He We submit to God, and what he's doing in submission, the word submission in the Greek is, it means to come in agreements with, it does not mean I just come to God and, and I tell him all about my troubles, but I release everything that I have, and agree with what he is saying, for my life, for my you know, for my own family, for whatever I'm dealing with, I come in agreements with him. And when I come in agreements with him, then everything else goes out the door, you know, I submitting to God. The enemy has no place in me, he comes, he checks me out. But he realized there's nothing there that I have, because I submitted to God. So everything that I have, or had even working deal that I was dealing with, is no longer there. So the enemy has nothing to hold me. Because I have submitted everything to God, my wheel my way, I submitted it to him, I released all to him. All we we say all to you, Lord, I surrender. But is there some things that we're holding back? Because there's some things that we don't want to turn away from some people? We don't want to let go? Some things that we don't want to lose? I those are those things going on in our life? Or are we willing to give it all? For the sake of Christ? Are we willing to turn away from those things and turn wholeheartedly unto him? That's what repentance is. It's not just a saying that I'm sorry. But we're saying that not only am I'm not only, I'm not sorry for it, but I'm not gonna do that again, because I'm turning away from that which I've done wrong. And I'm turning whole harlot heartedly to him. To him, waiting on him, he dealt with the word Kovai. In that word, means to be actually wrapped around, tied up. It's almost like you, you think about something being braided together. It's hard to take it apart. When we wait on God, when we wrap around God and tie ourselves up with him, while we're dealing with what we're dealing with. That's when he can, can just release us of all of that purify our hearts, purify our madness, because we're wrapped in and we're so tied into him until we can't see nothing else. They can't they don't know where we begin and where he, he ends, because we're wrapped up and tied up and God. That's the way we should be. That's the way he wants us to be. And we have the purpose to go into him go into His presence. You know, lay down everything. As we get, we can get so busy in life doing well, I think about being so busy, I have to purpose in my heart, that God, I'm going to spend some time with you. I'm not going to wait until I'm so sleepy till I can't hear what you have to say. I got to wait, you know until I'm running, rushing into the presence. So I can't stop to hear what you have to say. But we have to make some time to go into His presence. So he can fill us because we empty out on a daily basis. He wants to feel us they feel us again, with this, with this joy with this piece. He wants to stir our hearts against that sort of set our hearts on fire for him. You know some of us have moved away from that place where you feel mediately the presence and we know that he's present there, even if you don't feel on because he never leave us nor forsake us. But there were times where all you have to do is lift your hands and you felt the presence. God is calling you back to that place again. He's calling you to that place where you spend time in his presence where you lay the side weights where you are willing to, to you know forsake everything because you just wanted to hear from him. Didn't care to turn on the TV didn't care the pick up the phone, you just wanted to spend some time with him. God is calling for those things in us. He's calling for it again is calling for it. The time. This him had time. One thing that Jesus prayed in John 17 He prayed that we will all be one As He and the Father are one in the Holy Spirit of one, no one, no one, no one they speak of each other. They speak there, they have their own individual characteristic. But there are times when we don't know one, where one begins and the other ends, what because these in us, Jesus said, Listen, it's necessary that I leave you, but I won't leave you comfortless but I will send you the Holy Spirit. He will not only be in you, but he'll be in you and I'll be in you, you will be immediate and I'll be so it's where one begins. And the other is you don't know where, because they're so in a Twain and one as collage and said, in the Godhead. It was then Jesus as the Godhead the Father, the Son of spirit, that's how we are to be even in God. So when we calm and when we're dealing with the enemy, you don't know if it's Jesus speaking is that you? That Jesus, because all they can do is see Jesus just like, when you see Jesus, you see the other one that comes by us, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, being quiet, in steel pan pondering on the Word of God as as you are in your prayer time. Lord, what do you say? What do you say? I don't I don't know about you. But if I, if I begin to ponder, late at night and on the Word of God and talk to the word God, all through my sleep, he'll be talking through because he wants to talk to us. He wants to speak to us. He wants to love on us. He wants to give peace He wants to give us for he wants to give us the rest that we need. Renee Thomas 1:07:13 Thank you for taking the time to listen to the full message from the school of the Holy Spirit. Find this on the clubhouse on your app. For more information, visit us at school of the Holy Spirit duck club. That school of the Holy Spirit dot club

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