The New Covenant Realities: Foundations part 1 with Kelvin Easter

Episode 1 August 18, 2022 00:48:12
The New Covenant Realities: Foundations part 1 with Kelvin Easter
Fire School Of The Holy Spirit-Warriors on Fire
The New Covenant Realities: Foundations part 1 with Kelvin Easter

Aug 18 2022 | 00:48:12


Show Notes

School of the Holy Spirit presents apostle Kelvin Easter on "The New Covenant Realities Series."


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Episode Transcript

Thierry Nakoa 0:00 Welcome to the school of the Holy Spirit, we shine the light of Jesus over you, we sprinkle his blood on you, and wash you with the water of His Word. Lord, forgive us of our sins as we forgive those who have trespassed against this Holy Spirit send forth your flames of fire, ministering spirits, you are angels, to minister to all the listeners, may the eyes of your understanding be enlightened, so that you may know the limitless love of the Father in Christ Jesus for you. Kelvin Easter 0:38 I want to begin by talking about setting up this teaching real quickly this morning. foundationally crystal centric teaching is part of the apostolic DNA of the Body of Christ. When you'd say the word church, of course, we all know from the Greek it really means the called out one. So what is very important and significant is that when we're taught, we're taught from the crystal centric thread. The DNA of the church is Christ centered teaching, everything needs to roll right back into Christ. When we activate people with the gifts of the Spirit, Christ needs to be at the center of that activation. To be strategic and precise. And cutting the Word of God requires wrestling with the texts for hours for days for months, and years of contemplation, meditation, and reflection. This will allow us to build reference points, that allows us to see more clearly the word of the Lord and the will of the Lord. Many of us think that truth operates like math and science. In other words, when you know two plus two is four, that's just the way it is you carry that two plus two is four, and you go, and you can be 22 years old, 50 years old, as you grow, you know that two plus two equals four. That's the standard. But real spiritual truth is in a continuum. What that simply means is, I see from my perspective, right now I see what I see concerning a truth. But that truth has a myriad of levels or several levels in that truth. And maturity takes us along the continuum where we begin to understand the mind and heart of God with more clarity. And the more we understand the heart and mind of God, in our maturation points, we come to a place where we can effectively function in the kingdom because we see more clearly. So if God says something in Genesis, that is the beginning, that's a seed of truth, it is not the complete truth, what I mean, what I mean is from God's perspective is to complete truth, but you only see from that perspective, the word of God is progressive revelation. So God teaches from Genesis to Revelation, one of the reason we want consistent Bible intake is for our mind to continue to be renewed, and it takes time to build reference points, to be able to see clearly into the planning purposes of God. So it takes years to wrestle with the texts to build the proper foundation to be able to release to the body of Christ to raise people up properly. Our foundation can be laid properly or improperly. The Bible says in first Corinthians three and 10, no foundation, can anyone else can anyone build, but one foundation and that is Christ, Christ is the foundation. But notice what Jesus said through the apostle Paul, he says, Take heed how you build. In other words, there is no improvement on the life of Jesus, the death, burial resurrection of Jesus, which is laying into salvation, the entry point of salvation, entry point of the kingdom. But beyond that, we have to take heed how we build and then he specifically says that we can build with gold, silver, and costly stones that will go through a fire and we'll come out even poorer, with more purification or we can build with hay, stubble and material that can burn so the Apostle Paul is very clear that will be a day of judgment. And that judgment for the believer is not with torment. That's simply judgment judgment for the works that we do. So we're not concerned about being judged for sin. We are to judge ourselves in sin, but the reality is we are going to be judged for our work. In the Greek it's called the Bema. So in laying a foundation, that is crystal centric, it allows us to be able to be more effective in ministering in the earth, working where the Kingdom of Heaven and the kingdom of Earth collide, or emerge as one. And we can repeat as it is in heaven. So it is on the earth. This requires very consistent, foundational, Crystal centric teaching. What I'm sharing today, is foundational, and it should have been introduced at the beginning of our walk, and the discipleship discipleship journey. Many of you have started with that you don't have a lot of bone, so to speak, to get out of your doctrine. But if you've been saved for a number of years, that may not be true. I have personally been walking with God for over right at 40 years this year, I've been in ministry for 38 of those years, 39 of those years. And I started at the age of 1017, that 1017 years of age. And with that, over the last 22 years, my doctrine has changed dramatically, not because of the fact that I just started studying the Bible is just simply put that, as I've continued to study, my viewpoints changed. And so therefore, when you come before the word of God, it's important that you come with a spirit of humility, and be open minded so that God can freely teach you through the Holy Spirit. So this journey that we're taking here, for the next couple of weeks, deals with the importance of understanding the ways of God. Like I said, many of us have had training, it can be direct or indirect. Well, we have a mixture of covenants, which becomes foundational, within our soul. The issue with that is that when you have a mixture of covenants, you're functioning from the religion and manmade ideologies, the combination of these two things, make it difficult for individuals to be able to work with the Lord Jesus Christ, as he would desire to work with us. If you are recalled, Jesus made the statement and said, through our traditions, we at times make the Word of God none effect. That was not just something written to the house of Israel, primarily Jesus, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John is directly teaching under the law to the Jewish or the Hebrew, citizens of the nation of Israel. That was primarily who His call was to. And so when we rightly divide the Word of God, we need to understand clearly who he's talking to, when he's talking, what and all of the other specifics that helped us contextually see what Jesus was sharing. But at that time, he said, through their traditions, the word of God would be none effect or non effective in penetrating the heart for transformation. So your belief system is a huge factor. All of us have limiting beliefs. If your belief system is rooted in religion and man's ideology, you will again have difficulties in the way we deal with one another, the way we lead and the way we walk and carry out the plan of God in the earth. In fact, our victory will be limited. This is why the renewing of the mind and Romans chapter 12, verse one is so important because the renewal renewal of the mind is actually where God it's God's process system to transform your mind, at a deeper level at the heart level 90% 80 to 90% depending on how you're programmed inside. Most of your actions come out of your subconscious or your heart meaning meaning once something is developed inside of your heart, you automatically do it most of our living is out of our subconscious level and actually that subconscious heart is is skewed To me, the heart is deeper than just the subconscious mind and goes deeper than that. And so it's important for us to renew our mind if we're going to be effective in the kingdom of God. With that in mind, and with that introduction, we start with the importance of understanding the ways of God. When we say, understanding the ways and character of God, we are talking about the very essence of who God is. And we're talking about understanding the nature of God, which will allow us to flow with an incredible wisdom and precision in the earth, that Satan can't do anything with. And it is a lifestyle that moves us way above the flesh into the realm of the spirit. When we understand the ways and character of God, we will number one, become sound in our doctrine, because it is very important that we see as God sees AW Tozer I believe it was was the gentleman, a well known, ministry give, shared that the way you see God is more important. I'm paraphrasing, than almost anything else for a preacher or a leader. Because the way you see God is the way you're going to project him on people. It is the way you're going to live out your life and it's going to be the way that you project him on others. If you see God as an angry God. If you see God as a constant dictator, if you see him as a ruthless judger of human being, that's how your preaching is going to be. That's how your teachings gonna be in everything's going to be laced with that judgment portion of it. If you look at God from the Old Testament only as a prophet, then you will come across scathingly in ways that are not appropriate for the new covenant. So again, that's that continuum. God continues, if you remember, the apostles, which were disciples at the time, as Jesus in paraphrase, it should shouldn't be rained down fire. And Jesus made the statement that you you don't know what spirit you're speaking out of. Well, where did that come from? It came from an ideology, that where they saw something in the Old Testament, they saw prophets working a certain way, did not understand the heart and spirit of it, and thought that that would be the way to implement prophetic ministry, even in their hour. And Jesus says, No, I'm gonna bring you to another place, because I am the Chief of all prophets. And when you see me, you will see the Father. And you'll see my demonstration of how the Father's heart is. And so sound doctrine comes out of understanding the ways of God, having more impact and facilitating the Holy Spirit, because that's all we are, we don't run the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit runs us. And he does so in a kind way. What I mean by that he is the Chief Executive officer. He's the senior partner, he's the most important person on planet earth. And He is the one we're supposed to be taking our instructions to, we can prophesy out of our soul we can receive from the Spirit through our soul, and ministered to people effectively. If you want me to be honest, a lot of the prophetic ministry in our our a lot of ministry period in our our comes out of the soul is that I don't think it's bad intentions. And I would definitely not put myself on the pedestal as being an expert over all of these things. But you learn a few things in 40 years of ministry, and you even learn that through trial and error in your own life. And so it's important for me when I get something when I get an impression when something comes to me, what's the character of God in this? How do I deliver the Holy Spirit? Do I say anything to anyone? Am I do you want me to pray? And all of these fit within the heartbeat of the shepherd himself to Chief Shepherd. As we are under shepherds, if we oversee a flock, whatever we do, and all ministry should have a degree of the shepherd's heart because the Lord is our shepherd. We all flow prophets, apostles, pastors, teachers, evangelists, elders, ministry gifts, and all people in the body of Christ are to flow with a degree of the heart of the Father, why he is our shepherd. That Shepherd flow when we get to understand God, his character and his ways. We begin to demonstrate the ways of God in the earth. That's why we're told in Ephesians to be imitators of Christ, and do what walk in love. So when we have good on Understanding of the ways and character of God we have sound doctrine, we have a greater impact and facilitating with the Holy Spirit, keeping order and directing our affairs and movements with God because we understand the ways and the character of God, we will have more impact prophetically when we understand the ways of God. To understand the god scrutiny to understand God's ways is to have illumination, to live in harmony with the will of God. As we occupy forward, let me say that, again, to understand the ways of God is to have light or illumination to live in harmony with the will of God, as we occupy offensively advanced forward, the body of Christ should not be defensive, the body of Christ, even when we're attacked, we're operating from an offensive strategy. We are seated in heavenly places. And our strategy or strategical move, according to Ephesians. Chapter Six, is to stand in the truth, having done all to stand Stand therefore, in the context, where the most exhaustive teaching on Spiritual Warfare is in Ephesians. Six tells us that we are to stand for times, why is it perpetuated that way is because healthy understanding of the finished work of the Cross says did you are seated in heavenly places, you're fighting the good fight of faith, because Jesus has already won. And you are what reinforcing truth. You stand on truth, the whole thing that the enemy does, when he does what he does, and I don't like giving a lot of credit to Satan at all. I'm talking about him very much, except when you need to deal with that from a place of deliverance, and etc. And then we still don't exalt him because he's defeated. But we have to understand some of the things and the weapons that he uses. But the reality is, Satan operates in darkness or ignorance. And therefore, his job is to challenge you to see Do you know the truth? Do you know what is written? Do you know what God said about you through the finished work of the Cross, that is the battle that is where the distractions come to take you off course, from recognizing that you're seated in heavenly places. So you can start working in the earth versus being aligned with where you are seated in your thinking and you will find yourself shadowboxing in the earth, and the enemy will be wasting your time and energy. So the illumination we get from God's word helps us to live in harmony with the will of God, as we advance and occupy for what the purpose of the Word of God is to illuminate us on the ways and character of God, and on the ways and character of God. This is why is written in Psalms 119 104, that thy word is a lamp unto thy feet and a light unto that pathway. What is that? Another way to say this will be God's Word is a lamp unto my president. It is the Prophetic seed. To my present time, God speaks through His Word, and gives me word of knowledge, word of wisdom, and all those prophetic channels. Today, it starts the seedbed. For today, it comes out of the Word of God, where the word of God prophetically speaking is not the letter. It is when we move from the letter to the person of the word, that God activates the heart of the believer into the supernatural. So that word is a lamp unto my feet. That's my present where I can see today, but he's a light into my pathway. That's my prophetic future. And so God is speaking through His Word, to my today and to my future. When we look at that properly, and we catalyze our lives and equip believers, with the right kind of understanding with the ways of God, we can help people to advance. It's just like when you see Ephesians chapter five, where it talks about Chapter Four when he talks about, he gave some apostles, prophets, pastors, teachers, evangelists, for the perfecting of the saints for the work of the ministry. The Greek word there talks about the mending of nets and setting up the bone. And so when you have doctrine that is off centered, not Christocentric, you have to sometimes reset the bone. So you have a situation where individuals, for example, may have been trained a certain way, but let's look at it in the natural if you go into the doctor's office and you have a broken bone, and they don't set it right then you so it will not come to healing in its proper way, it will continue to cause problems, it will grow the wrong way or reset the wrong way. It says it was reset the wrong way. And sometimes you have to take that back to the doctor and they have to break it again, to reset it. And unfortunately, much of what has transpired in America when it's built on religion. For example, the idea that pastors, teachers and evangelists are the it in the fivefold ministry what at the last time I counted as three, that's not five. Well, apostles and prophets are not for today. But that really doesn't make sense. We are utilizing intelligence, those that have taught this, to subject ourselves to teaching a sea station doctrine. In other words, if I say apostles are still real in a prop, prophets are real. Maybe that means God still works in miracles, signs and wonders. So the the world of the intelligent world, and when I say that I'm not talking about being charismatic, or being flowing, supernatural doesn't mean that you're not intelligent. I'm talking about those that have built mind or mental intelligence and exalted above everything else. Those individuals talk about the importance of rightly dividing the word but they're doing nothing but letter, building intelligence and puffed up with their mind. But they come up with a way to justify the gifts of the Spirit not operating and to take away from the Apostle and the Prophet is honestly, to not have the ministry of Jesus in the earth. What do you mean by that? Jesus was the first apostle Jesus was the first prophet. Jesus was the first teacher, evangelist and pastor, Jesus demonstrates all of the gifts of the Spirit, except for speaking in tongues. And there's a reason he's perfectly channeled with hearing God and communicating to God which we can get into that at another time. But the reality is, the ministry of Jesus is what he gave some to Jesus operated as an apostle. So he gave that to men. All of these things, he operated as a property can go through Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John to see all of these operations and the texts. And so if he only gave the pastor, the teacher and the Evangelists, then we don't have the full Jesus in the earth, we don't have full representation of Jesus in the earth. Well, where does that come from not understanding the ways of God. Some reason the first apostles almost deified, there are no foundational apostles, we understand that we're not rewriting the texts. But there are apostles and prophets that go beyond what you see in the 12. And we all know that, and you know that you've been taught that well, but that the point I'm bringing is when we don't see God, right. And when we have these proclivities to move more intellectually, versus moving with the Spirit of God, we become void in our effectiveness through the traditions that we release. The ways of God are highly revealed through God's laws and His Word. While this character is highly revealed through the names of God, God Himself reveals himself from Genesis to Revelation, this is another thing that's important. No man can understand God. God has to reveal himself. He's the self revealing God. And so when we tried to understand God, from our own platforms, we come up with all kinds of religious jargon. We say things like, God knew what He was doing when he brought sickness and disease upon you. He wanted to teach you something that doesn't come out of the heart of God, God does itself reveal himself doesn't reveal himself as a disease giver, or a sickness giver, or a lack God, a God that has no prosperity, it flowing through his ideology, he is an abundant God, everything he does is more than is exceedingly above it. When when the writer said, Now unto him, this able to do exceedingly, abundantly above all that we can ask. I think what he's basically saying is, I don't even know how to put the nature of God in reference to his wanting to release blessing into the lives of people. I'm trying to give you all of these words, to show you how big how mighty and how much increased God is how much plus you know how plus God is. And so you Gotta move away from pursuing God to come up with these ideologies that don't match his character that do not match his his ways. We don't decide how God is He reveals how he is. We don't have the right to hijacked any portion of his plan, and represented our way know, it's all about the kingdom. And it's all about releasing those truths into the earth. But we must understand His ways, and his character. Knowing the ways of God is to know how he's dealing with humanity, what he wants to do, and often why he wants to do it. There are choices the father has made, past, present and future. To know his thoughts towards us is to comprehend his ways. Hebrews chapter three, verse 10, through 11 says this, Wherefore I was grieved with that generation, and said, they do always err in their heart, and they have not known my ways. So I swear my wrath, they shall not enter into rest. Hebrews is a fascinating book is a book dealing with when you read Hebrews, you cannot read it with just one chapter and pull the chapter out of his context, you really need to read Hebrews from the first chapter, all the way through to be able to get the thread properly and understand what Jesus is doing. Read the apostle Paul, some believe he's the writer of Hebrews, some don't, don't believe but regardless, the way that you study the book of Hebrews to understand it is to know that he is a contextual exchange, talking to people that come have come out of what we would call Judaism, that are following Christ that are being persecuted. They are running into trouble with their family, and all kinds of things that are coming up because they've chosen this way of the cross. And the apostle Peter, or excuse me, Apostle Paul, or whomever the Apostle Paul the Apostle, they wrote, Hebrews lays out an argument, to explain the shadow and the type so that they could see that going back to Judaism, is to go back under the letter to a way that God was dealing with people that he's not doing now. In other words, that's the type and shadow, the real deal has come. And now what he's doing is doing his best to renew their mind, to show them what it is that he is doing now through Christ. So he's working diligently to stop them from being choked by persecution, which arises to take the word out of their heart. And so we see here, he says, They had not known my ways that was why Israel never entered into rest. And Psalms 103 and seven, he made known his ways unto Moses, his acts unto the children of Israel. This is a very important and powerful statement, he made noses known his ways unto Moses, his axon to the children of Israel, the difference between Moses and the people of God that followed Moses, is that Moses dealt with God face to face, and he personally understood what was in the heart of God. So he did not confuse the deeds with what was going on in God's heart. In other words, many people, including us, in this day, in our we live in, we can see miracles, signs, wonders, this is why miracle signs and wonders is the dinner bail, to the laws coming to the knowledge of God, but dinner bill, that dinner bill is not, in itself effect effective enough to develop people. Why? Because just because you see miracle signs and wonders doesn't mean that you will develop or even belief, right? You don't necessarily have to believe because the children of Israel saw all these signs, wonders, and miracles, and they fail to believe they failed to mix the Word of God with faith, as we see in Hebrew. So it's important here as we see this, Moses knew the ways of God, while the children of Israel knew the acts God made his ways. And character known to Moses is one of the reasons that Moses was an effective prophet, and an effective intercessor and an effective leader. When you see him, challenging God with his people, at times, God would challenge Moses, and then say something and Moses was saying, but God, if you do this, this is what's going to happen. He was asked really appealing to the heart of God. God loved it that way as he was interceding, he was actually harmonizing with how God's heart is, Lord, don't judge them. Don't do this XYZ, Lord, have mercy on them, etc, so forth and so on. And as prophets as apostolic people, it is important for us to know the ways of God to be an effective intercessor. To be an effective leader, how will would Jesus handled this, what is Holy Spirit saying to me concerning this dimension of leadership, this dimension of ministry, this dimension of a man, a woman's heart, likewise, today, God wants us as His leaders, and his people to know His ways and to add his character so that we can lead out of his heart. I personally believe a lot of us, a lot of God's people, including his leaders are very excited. And though we're excited, we're, we're mistaken. We mistakenly think that we're in good with God, because we have seen as X. I've seen God move, yet the truth is at large here in America, there's a deficiency, as we can see, in knowing the ways of God. And if our ministries only build on the gifts of the Spirit, then we're going to have a lot of shipwrecks. If we're only concentrating on the gifts of preaching, and pastoring, and leading, and all of that, those are giftings. There's anointing for all of those. But there's also an anointing to develop the inward man, and develop the character of individuals so that they can be conformed to the image of God, when we don't lead with the understanding that God wants us to understand his ways, we will be deficient. And we will build a lot of weakness in the body of Christ, the Old and the New Covenant reveal the ways and acts of God. All that God has ever spoken is true. So let me share this with you real quickly. The old New Covenant is really one thread, revealing the story of God. The story is not exhaustive, and it dwells in a continuum. Yet God has given all of us a glimpse of his dealings in creation. Through this revelation, we are at an advantage and being able to fulfill God's plan and purpose in the earth. When we peruse through the text and understand how God is working from Genesis to Revelation. It allows us again, to become more effective in the earth. Hebrews chapter 1368 says this, so that we may boldly say, The Lord is my helper, and I will not feel what man shall do unto me. Remember them will have rule over you who have spoken unto you the Word of God, whose faith follow, considering the end of their conversation or their lifestyle, Jesus, the anointed one, Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, and today and forever. When we understand that God doesn't change, he's an immutable wheel to all goodness, and that he does not change. When we begin to understand this from the continuum, meaning truth that is progressive. God is continuing to unveil his truth to us, we will see clearly that God is the same God in the Old Testament in the New Testament, but he is dealing with man in a different way. And it's important for us to understand His character, His ways, to be able to rightly divide truth, in order to see his sameness, to see the Unknown Speaker 33:58 the oneness of God, the Father, the Lord Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, in order to see a sameness we must be diligent in our study. And that's why Second Timothy 215, told us to study to show ourselves approved unto God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of God, as declared in First Corinthians chapter 12, verses four through six. You'll see in the text there, that it says this there's a diversity of gifts, but the same Spirit the differences of administration's but the same Lord, that the diversities of operations, but it's the same God which work at all it all. You find there, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit in talking about the demonstration or manifestations of this gifts of the Spirit in the body of Christ. Well, you know, we just need healing know that's one dimension or one side or perspective of the supernatural that God wants to flow and they're more gifts than the nine that are listed here. More operations of God than that I there are listed all through that we've seen through history and through the Bible. But yet these communicate to us, though there's a difference of administration is still the same Lord, the same God that works in all difference of gifts. And so likewise we can see God doing something in certain ways. But it's got to still be out of the same heart. And the same character, old New Covenant, One Book, One thread, the text reveals the father's workings. The Holy Spirit and Jesus are constantly operating and functioning together. And throughout history, we have seen this operation work consistently. Sometimes we look at God as if he's changed. No, he hasn't changed and he never will. Yet the way he deals with people in the new covenant is an incredible gift to mankind. He made Jesus Christ available for humanity, so that he could have one new man. Now, let me take a moment here as I, again specifically moving through my notes and empathetically in my heart as I teach, I want him to catch a glimpse of this, and understand that in the Lord Jesus Christ, all the nourishment, for every gifting flows from his heart, into the believers heart, to duplicate his actions in the earth. And so when you see Jesus operating in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, he's not operating as God, even though he has all God, somehow or another. God does not touch his deity, Jesus does not touch his deity. People have problems with that. But the truth is, he was anointed by God. Unknown Speaker 36:56 So that he could demonstrate what the first atom should have done. He has the last atom functioning and operating in complete harmony with the Father. He says, if you see the father, you see me, if you see me, you see the father says whatever the Father says, that's what I say. This, again, is him operating in complete submission. And Jesus is the perfect submitted son. And so in this operation that we have, we are given a prototype for how we're to operate and have dominion in the earth. Hebrews chapter one and four says to the test tells us that God has spoken to us through His Son who he's appointed air of all things. And these last days, that's what's written in Hebrews one. And many times in in divers manners, God's spoken times pass on to the fathers by the prophets, he has had in these last days, spoken to us by a son, who's he who he has appointed heir of all things, which is very significant and important, but why by whom also he made the world who being the brightness of his glory, the express image of His person, and upholding all things by the Word of His power, when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on High being made so much better than the angels, as he has by inheritance, obtained a more excellent name than they, here we see that everything is about Jesus. Colossians tells us everything is about Jesus. But you can easily go throughout clubhouse, Facebook, on our youtubes. And you will hear Jesus hardly ever mentioned, you will hear very little Christocentric teaching, you will hear a lot of self improvement, you will hear a lot of ideology that comes out of this pop theology, but true apostolic preaching, will exalt the Christ will break the anatomy of the internals, because the gospel is all about the internal man, the spirit man, the soul becoming conformed to the image of Jesus Christ. And so Jesus is the one that we should be listening to, we should see the plumb line of living through the Lord Jesus Christ. So Jesus makes a profound statement. Remember, we're talking about understanding the ways of God. So Jesus is our plumb line he is now what we see in Jesus is where we get our revelation from, to understand how the father really is, in Matthew chapter 22, and 36 to 40. A lot of people have a struggle with the law, when you come under the new covenant. We're no longer under the law. And then you got people to say we are under the law. You got all this mixture going on? And they say, Well, what is the real truth? Well, Jesus simplified it in Matthew chapter 2236 through 40. He said, Master, which is the greatest commandment in the law. Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love Love the Lord thy God. Listen to what it says, with all thy heart, with all thy soul, and with all thy nine. This is the first and the greatest commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law, the prophets. What did Jesus just say? Well, for all of us trying to get clarity, it's very simple. Jesus said, Let me simplify the end game of the law to you. It is the love of God. Unknown Speaker 40:33 The law revealed it was the written heartbeat of God, where it reveals how to love God, how to love people, and how to love self. He says, The all of the law hangs on this. So here's the thing that I would share with my clubhouse. Family. He summarizes that the law and the prophets all are scripturally, excuse me, I'm gonna say it this way, the law, the prophets, and all of Scripture is designed to bring you back into the love of God. So if there is no truth that's in the law, that doesn't apply today. It couldn't be because God wouldn't say anything. That's not the truth. It is the way it's administrative is the way in Supply today. That's why the scripture says all scripture is profitable. He didn't say just some scripture, he said, All scripture is profitable. In fact, when he wrote that there was no New Testament as we know it today. So they were, he was talking about torah, the law and the prophets. And we know, as we've gone along the way we understand the canonization of Scripture, what's that, that is in harmony with God? He said, Wait a minute, God hasn't changed. But let me show you how God is. He is a loving God. And all the law when you see him from the right perspective, it was the love of God spelled out. Fortunately, today, we have a more effective way of living under the grace of God and not under the lawn, which I'll explain more as we go along the way. So the ultimate aim of God, everybody, the summit of maturity is really love. Why is that the case because love is the nature of God. God doesn't have love of God is love. So the summit of maturity, that's why when it came to the gifts of the Spirit, the the Apostle Paul say, you guys got it working here. Man, this is such a credible movement. But the reports I'm getting reveal competition, it reveals jealousy, it reveals reveals the wrong kind of character. And he says, Let me show you a more perfect way. And right in the middle, he says, He gives an explanation or teaching about the love of God. And he uses this teaching, to share with the body, that body, that local body there to share with them, that if you're going to be in harmony with God with the gifts of the Spirit, let the motive come out of the nature of God. And then even when we see, let us desire that we flow in prophecy and the gifts of the Spirit. Let us design the best gifts. Well, what's the best gifts is the one that puts you on the platform? No. It's what is needed. What is what is edifying, if a person needs healing, God will we want God to move and what he Gifts, gifts, plural, of healing. It is not a gift of healing, but gifts, floor of healing. And that could come through a word of knowledge. It could be a combination of gifts, working together miracles, you require faith. The gift of faith in some cases, there can be two working miracles and the healing at the same time. But part is not there. The person needs miracle. If the part is there another part needs healing that needs a combination. But he says what is the best give is what is needed to edify that local body or that individual because God's purpose is found through his motivation of love. So the ultimate aim of the Lord as I come to a close at three minutes, the ultimate aim of the Lord is to get his fallen creature back in his nature, which his nature is love. Hence, the message of grace Unknown Speaker 44:36 is a message of incredible love. That is incomprehensible. It has nothing to do with man. It has nothing to do with works. It has everything to do with a complete gift given to humanity. And second Peter one, one through four. We're told that we expect In the lust of this world through the promises of God, and God wants us to partake of His divine nature. John 1010 says, The thief come not to steal, but to kill, and to destroy. But he said that I came that you might have life, that you might have it more abundantly. That word life is always it's the nature of God, that kind of the God kind of life. And, and God is looking for the dip to bring divinity. I'm not talking about this self. What do you call it New Age stuff. Jesus is divine inside of the human spirit. When we cooperate with him, he changed us From Glory to Glory, faith to faith, and he changes the soul to that mirror, that of the Spirit, we become fully conformed to the image of God, and the image of Christ. And this is the renewal of the mind that requires us to be taught from the New Covenant ideology and ingredients that will change the human soul. In conclusion, and we'll pick up on part two with this. And I had to lay foundation, so much of what I'm talking about, you've heard, but I have to do that. Because it's, it's important for me not to come into the middle of the thing. Because if you have mixture inside of your heart, that foundation is not right. And it makes it difficult for us to comprehend how we go, for example, you can take a message of grace. And by the way, grace is is definitely not permission to sin, or do what you want to do is actually empowerment, to live above sin, and to live supernaturally in the character of God. But when we look at how God wants to work in the earth, we need to teach toward sonship because the gold in our inheritance is in your spirit. It's not in your soul. So I must teach toward the new man, which the new man has a new mind. It has a new vocabulary, it has a different thread of thought. And so if I'm teaching or ministering outside of the new man and the new react with new creation realities, what ends up happening is that I end up working hard to try to get God's plan to work in our lives, and it becomes WORKS and NOT grace. So again, these are the foundational components. I will conclude I've got several pages of notes, but I had to start with the foundation, and prayerfully you were able to get a little bit of light, if you will, a lot of light depending on where you are in the continuum. Renee Thomas 47:49 Thank you for taking the time to listen to the full message from the school of the Holy Spirit. Find this on the clubhouse on your app. For more information visit us at school of the Holy Spirit duck club. That school of the Holy Spirit duck club

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