The Mechanics of the Prophetic-session 1 with Thierry Nakoa

Episode 1 September 02, 2021 01:12:22
The Mechanics of the Prophetic-session 1 with Thierry Nakoa
Fire School Of The Holy Spirit-Warriors on Fire
The Mechanics of the Prophetic-session 1 with Thierry Nakoa

Sep 02 2021 | 01:12:22


Show Notes

Join the School of the Holy Spirit as Thierry Nakoa expounds on "The Mechanics of the Prophetic." In this session, some foundations are laid again in order for us to better understand the operations and mechanics of this specific anointing. For more content visit and on Clubhouse audio app.

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Episode Transcript

Thierry 00:00:14 And I fell at his feet to worship him, but he said to me, see that you do not do that. I am your fellow servant and of your brethren who have the testimony of Jesus worship God, for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy revelation 1910. What I want you to get from that scripture is that the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. I know we have heard that so many people have preached on that, but what I want you to see is that prophecy has nothing to do with us. Prophesy has nothing to do with anything else, but Jesus himself, the life of Jesus, the majesty of Jesus, it has to do with everything to do with who he is. Thierry 00:01:03 And I tell people that when you get a prophetic word, the way to judge the prophetic word automatically is that that's that prophetic word, bring you closer to the love or loving Jesus Christ. Does it testify of Jesus himself in your life? Does it bring you closer to him? If it does not bring you closer to him, it is not a true prophetic word. And we're talking about here, personal prophecy, even when we do talk about the other type of prophetic words per perhaps a prophetic word to a nation or prophetic word to a church or group of people, whatever it is, does it testify of Jesus? If the answer is no, then it's not a true prophetic word. And the other thing that I add to the prophetic is that whatever it is that you use in the prophetic, does it align with the eschatology nickel theme of the book of revelation? Because that is the ultimate prophetic word, because if it does not align with the book of revelation, then it's not a prophetic word. Doesn't matter. Who's prophesying it. If it does not align with the book of revelation in itself is not a prophetic word. Thierry 00:02:27 And it's very important that we understand that. And that's why I tell people if you want to increase in the prophetic anointing, what more to get yourself into then to read the book of revelation in the book of revelation itself, there are blessings for those who just read it without even understanding it, just read it, you get a blessing for those who hear it. And then for those who actually practice it and keep the words that are written in it, because that prophesy is from Jesus himself. Although we see that John is the one that scribed it, but as the prophecy from Jesus is the revelation of Jesus Christ himself. And so it is very important that in order for us to really, uh, develop prophetic teams, those prophetic teams must really be based in the foundation on who Jesus is at the testimony of Jesus. And the Testament of Jesus is a thing. There's the patience of Jesus. That's the thing. Thierry 00:03:36 So the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. And there's so much more in that that we can go into, but I want you to base that because that is the base level of the prophetic, because everyone can prophesize all may prophesied based on the fact that it's about Jesus. It's about getting closer to Jesus. According to acts two 17, the prophetic is one of the signs of the last days, outpouring of the spirit. All believers can prophesize based on first Corinthian, 14, we're encouraged in the word to passionately desire or to cover the spiritual gifts, but to especially desire that we would prophesize first Corinthian 14 one through three. And so we see that desire is the magnet that attracts the prophetic anointing. And that's a quote by Dr. Stewart particle. So when we desire the spiritual gifts that draws in, and that pools, that hunger pulls the giftings and say, okay, all right. Thierry 00:04:52 As a matter of fact, the way I operate is that I'm activated, but by the people that are hungry for the gift that is inside of me is the honor. That is the conduit that allows for me to be able to flow when there are people that are not hungry around me. There's not a lot of a pool. So what I do is I rather preach or teach to people that are a willing or a hungry than those who are not. And so those that are hungry are those who pool. If you're not hungry, then I don't, I don't have the, the, the, the need to, to, to, to pour out because I give my all, and I believe that we all should be that way. And so that hunger is what pools honors the conduit to that. If, if, if, if the anointing was electricity than the cable to that anointing would be honor. Thierry 00:05:52 And so the prophetic flows in that same way when you are accepted and received in that as well, that's where you pull. And that's why even Jesus says that a prophet is not accepted in his own hometown because they have the familiarity spirit is from there. And his spirit actually works with and against the anointing, because sometimes you can have people that are so familiar with you that they don't see it, or they don't pull on it the right way. And there are some that it is good because of course, families and members, you know, you still, you know, you're so familiar with your parents, but you still respect them as your parents. And so there is that level there as well. And so, all right, so let's look at the definition of the Greek word for prophecy, and it is prophet Dale. Uh, there's definition says to prophesize, to be a prophet, speak forth by divine inspiration, to predict with the idea of forthtelling future events pertaining, especially to the kingdom of God, to Otter forth, to declare a thing which can only be known by divine revelation to break forth under sudden impulse in Lufti discourse or praise of the divine council under like prompting to teach, to refute, to reprove, to admonish, to comfort others, to act as prophet to Sarge, the prophetic offic office, a prophecy can be to foretell or to forth tale, speaking the mind of God to encourage and build up the church. Thierry 00:07:22 Now that's what the definitions are, according to what we just read. But I wanted to say this when I was called to the prophetic office, the Lord didn't use those definitions. And there's a difference. And we're going to talk about all these difference just because you prophesied doesn't mean that you are a profit, just because your profits, it doesn't mean you have the gift of prophecy, just because you're prophecy doesn't mean that, um, you've been prophesizing a lot or that you have the experience to, and there are different levels of the prophetic. And there's also, uh, you know, different understanding of that. So for me, the gift, the prophetic gifting, which we see in first Corinthians is that it's not about prophesying to people that what prophecy is actually prophecy in there. Okay. Let's, let's go back a little bit. So in the scripture, it says that when it talks about love, it says that if you do not have love and you have the gift of faith, then you can move mountains. Thierry 00:08:32 So, pretty much what the author was doing, Paul, he was explaining that whenever you're the extreme or the finality or the maximization of a gift in that section was if you have the gift of faith, you can move mountains, right? And so the finality of different that he started to list. There were different things. If you have the gift of tongues, our interpretation of tongues or the gift of tongues, and you can speak tongues of men, tongues of angel, tongues of so-and-so, whatever, if you could speak tongues of aliens or whoever, the extreme of that, the maximum extreme of that is what he listed. So when he came to prophesy, he didn't say, if you can prophesize with 10,000 people, right? He said, if you had to give the prophecy and it can understand all mysteries. So we deduct one thing in there is that the prophetic is more about understanding mysteries, the gift of prophecy. Thierry 00:09:36 I'm not talking about prophecy, I'm talking about the gift of prophesy. And so there's a differentiation that we need to understand. We have to understand that. And when the Lord called me, and I believe when he called the, uh, person to prophetic office is not the same as having the gift of prophecy. But I would understand that someone that isn't a prophetic office or in the prophetic call, because there's also different stages of the prophetic office as well. We're going to get into that in a little bit. I'm kind of trying to summarize it in such a way, so we can begin to flow in a little bit. And, um, so let me, let me look for this scripture here for a second. And then we'll, we'll, we'll continue here. Thierry 00:10:24 So first go into 13. One says, though, I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love. I have become sounding brass and a clanging symbol. And though I have the gift of prophecy and understand all mysteries and all knowledge. And though I have all faith so that I could remove mountains, but have not love. I am nothing. And though I be stole all my goods to feed the poor. And though I have, I give my body to be burned, but have not love it. Profits me, nothing love, suffers long it's kinds. Love does not envy. And it continues. And so he, he speaks here what the gift of prophecy is. It's understanding all mysteries and all knowledge. That is the maximization of that gift. And so we do know who had that kind of gift. Daniel had that kind of gift. Thierry 00:11:12 He understood all mysteries and all knowledge. And some of the things that he prophesied, I still happen right now, the fullness of the Gentiles. He was the one that prophesied it, you know? So we have to really begin to understand that this is more than just comfort edification exhortation, which is the base level of the prophetic. And one of the best teachers of mine that explained it really well is Graham cook. And he explains this. He says that the prophetic is like a pool. And in a pool, you have the shallow end where everyone, the babies and everyone with the float floats and everything they can in that area, they can all swim. And that means that all can prophesied at that level comfort edification, exhortation. And then you go to the next level, which is where, you know, you've been prophesying for a little bit, maybe comfort, edification, exhortation. Thierry 00:12:04 And then you're in that, in that place where you're at it's maybe it could be a prophetic teams you're around prophetic people, just like Saul, you know, uh, Saul king Saul was around the prophets and he could prophesize. He had an, uh, a different spirit. He was another man and he profits out, but he never prophesied after that. And he had the taste of that. And at the end of his life, you know, or before, you know, he died, he went out there trying to look for a profit. He couldn't find none. So you went out there and look for, which is a whatever to, to give him a word of the Lord. So you have to understand that when you're at that, you're in the prophetic teams, you'll prophesize, even a cockroach can prophesize. That's what I love to say around prophetic people. So then you move to the prophetic gifting, meaning that you have people that have the gift of prophecy and they prophesied based on the gift. Thierry 00:12:56 And so there's this kind of misconception as, okay, it's a gift, meaning that it's not something you earn. It's something that the Lord has given you and it's as the spirit wheels and how do you get a gift? Well, if you ask your dad everyday for something, of course, he's going to give you, if you ask for bread, he's not going to give you a stone. So the desire is the magnet for that. So if you desire spiritual gift, the Lord will give you what you desire, what you desire. Not saying that you don't, everyone has it, but we are saying that if you desire it so much and you hunger for it, the Lord will provide and he will give, ask, and he shall give, and he shall receive ask, and you shall receive. So it is important for that. And so most of us, of course, we want every single one of those gifts that are in, you know, first Corinthian 13. Thierry 00:13:52 But the thing is, is this or 12, 13, that the thing is, is this, is that the desire? And the hunger is not the only thing that causes us to receive that. Of course there is the mechanics of impartation. There's also something about how you deal with the seed form. Every gift that you get, my understanding is you get it in a gift, in a seed form. So if you got an impartation in a seed form, whether the impartation came by the Lord directly, or came through a man or came through reading, you know, by, through a man or through the Lord through reading or whatever it is, the third form of impartation, guess what? You still have to take that seed. And it has to die in you and you have to die to self and then begin to practice that gift. There's people that have importations for those things, but they don't exercise them. Thierry 00:14:43 They don't go out there and do these things. So it's by reason of use that you increase that is by reason of use that you begin to, uh, to prosper in those guests. You don't just have it and you suck, okay, I'm going to sit on it. It's like you, you get a new Nintendo. It's a gift that your parents gave you, but you have it with you and you're sitting on it. You're not doing anything with it. You can't expect for you to be good at it. If you don't play it, if you don't use it, if you don't exercise it. So that's why it's good to be. When you do a desire, those things be around people that are practicing the gift, whether they're a profits or a nonprofit, it doesn't matter. Be around people that are going to pull you and push you. Thierry 00:15:24 That's what's going to get you even an increase in the prophetic. And the other thing is, is that, you know, the word of God is nourishment to our prayer, but it's also nourishment to our prophetic. When you learn the scripture, what happens is that it increases your ability to have a vocabulary. So the vocabulary to the prophetic is the word of God, because the word of God is his word. And so you're just saying what he's saying. And so do you can't go wrong when you're prophesying and speaking the word of God in that aspect, of course, a timing and all that is there. So pursue love and desire, spiritual gifts, but especially that you may prophesied first Corinthian 14 and one. So in this thing, it actually, Paul, this is Paul. This is not Jesus talking. This is Paul. And he's saying that when you desire or you pursue love, which is number one, you look for the water, you get the wetness, look for love, look for God, pursue God and desire spiritual gifts, but especially that you may prophesize. Thierry 00:16:28 Why? Because, although I don't believe that prophecy is the entrance to the other gifts. Tongues is the entrance. I believe that the building of your most faith, that is the entrance to the, all the other gifts. And then you step onto prophesy prophecies. The next step that catapult you into the other gifts. But I do know people that aren't even prophesied by their work. They do working of miracles. They do all these healings and all these other things, but the prophetic, it transcends that whole board there. So, but it says, but he will prophesize speaks edification, exhortation, and comfort to men. And the purpose of the prophetic is actually to build the church is to build the body of Christ. The bride made herself ready. So it's key in building the body of Christ to flow in the prophetic. Thierry 00:17:20 I wish you all spoke with tongues, but even more that you prophesied for, he was, he would, prophesize is greater than who we speak with tongues. And what he's saying is that saying that he's greater in the sense that he's a bigger man or, or more important. He's just saying that it is advantageous to be able to, uh, in just speaking in tongues and nobody's understanding, and nobody's being edified to speak in tongues and interpretation, which is one, uh, one coin with two sides. And then the prophetic is that one coin. And so it's better for you to speak in tongues and interpretation or to just prophesy so that people will get edified. The whole purpose of the spiritual gifts is not for us, is for the other person. So the gifts actually have nothing to do with us, as we said earlier, has to do with other people. Thierry 00:18:11 And so when you have the gift, it's not for you to boast and say, oh yeah, I have this. I'm going to prophesize to you so I can look good. No, it's because you want them to hear what the father is saying. You want them to know about the Lord. You want them to receive edification. Uh, you know, and so those elements are very important to understand for maturity purposes. Okay? And so it says here, unless indeed he interprets that the church may receive ad defecation first Corinthian 14 and five, even so use, since you are zealous for spiritual gift, let it be for edification of the church that you seek to Xcel. First Corinthian, 14 and 12, there are diversities of gifts, but the same spirit, first Corinthians 12 and four. But the manifestation of the spirit is given to each one for the profit of all. Thierry 00:19:11 First Corinthians 12 and seven for one is given the word of wisdom. And remember I said this before, in some other classes, when it was translated here, it says, the word of wisdom is actually wrong in the Greek. It's a word of wisdom and you can look it up. It's a word of wisdom, not the word of wisdom. It's a word of wisdom. So it's a portion of that. It's not like a complete full thing. That's why it says we prophesy in part. So it says for one is given a word of wisdom through the spirit to another, a word of knowledge, through the same spirit, to another faith, by the same spirit, to another gifts of healings, by the same spirit, to another working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another discerning of spirits, to another different kinds of tongues, to another interpretation of tongues. Thierry 00:19:56 But one and the same spirit works. All these things distributing to each one individually, as he wills for, as the body is one and has many members. But all the members of that one body being many are one body. So also is Christ for by one spirit. We were all baptized into one body, whether Jews or Greeks with the slaves are free and have all been made to drink into one spirit. First Corinthians 12, eight, and 13. Now I'm going to have to repeat myself in here because of the fact that some of you were not part of the other classes that we had now, these gifts that are listed, apparently we seat nine of them there. But what I would have to say that let's not limit to nine because of the fact that Paul wrote these things in that way, let's put them in the categories of, because I can ask you a question and say, well, Phillip translocated from one location to another place, where does that go? Thierry 00:20:53 Where, where gifts is that translocation? Where does that go? Translation? Where does that go? You know, uh, different things like that, where, where do they go? There's a lot of things that we see Jesus Christ is appearing in a group of crowd and then appearing in another place. Whenever he came back the transfiguration, where does that go? Right. He did ministry as a son of man, even though he was fully God fully, man. And so we have to really look at this thing and say, okay, this is Paul explaining and trying to say, okay, this is the things that, that we're practicing right now. And you guys are not aware of it. And he's trying to kind of clear it up. And so he separates them into three categories, right? Three categories. And the first category is a regulatory gifts, which is the no gift. Thierry 00:21:44 And these flow as a set or triplet. So a word of wisdom, a word of knowledge and discerning of spirits. They all work in tandem. Meaning that usually one person that is working in discerning of spirits will receive our word of knowledge. And then we'll receive a word of wisdom to solve the solution, to whatever problems or situations that do come up there, the mind of God, or the no gifts or the regulatory gifts. Right? And so whenever you look at the utterance gift, then you see the different kinds of tongues, interpretation of tongues or prophecy, or the mouth of God, or the say gift. And so prophecy actually transcends, and it goes through across the board with these categories, right? I'm going to do the last category before I go back to prophecy. So you got the power gifts and the power gifts is the do gift. Thierry 00:22:38 The hand of God, the working of miracles, the gifts of healings, faith. And so you would see somebody that is working and working a miracle. They would need faith to be able to step into different realms. And then the gift of healings, they would need a faith. And of course we need faith to prophecy as well. And there's several levels of that same way that we explained that prophecy, uh, has gifts or has levels, right. There are levels, the shallow end, right? And then you have the middle part and then you have the gifts and then you actually have the office. And so before even I go on, let me explain what I wanted to say about the office. So just because you are called to the prophetic office, doesn't mean that from one day to the next day, you're, you're already in your prophetic office. Thierry 00:23:28 No, there is the calling stage, right? The training stage and the office stage. And so for most people, it usually takes about the magic number is 14 to 15 years. When you look at, um, some people in the Bible, like for example, uh, Paul was known to a teacher, um, was, was amongst the teachers and the profits. And when he started, he had to go somewhere for like 14, 15 years. And then he came back to Jerusalem. And so even Jeremiah, when he was called as a, at a young age, right at, I think it was about 13, but it was a again, 14 to 15 years later that he actually began to prophesize. So they don't step into that office just because, so there is a progressive state that happens to most of the, the, the, the profits. And so what happens is that they get a calling in the calling stage. Thierry 00:24:25 What they hear is people telling them you're being called to be a prophet at Aurora. And they'll, they'll get so tired of hearing it that it's not going to be the main focus. And that's the call stage. And that could take four or five, six years, however long, depending on how hard-headed you are. Then from there you go through the training for it. Now, the training phase and the calling stage, they are almost overlapping because in the calling stage, you are being called, but you're also being training. And the training stage also overlaps when you are in the office, because when you get a new job and you go into a new office, you still have to be trained in the new office, even your secular job. And so you have that calling stage the training and then the office stage. And whenever you step into the office, you will notice that your words will less likely fall to the ground. Thierry 00:25:18 And they had happened more simultaneously and happen as you declare them. And you prophesied them. There's a greater level of responsibility and reception to the word because you're disciplined, you're seasoned. You're not at the place of where you were at in the beginning where you're dealing with different issues, you know, discipline issues, obedience, issue, submission issues, different things like that. So there's the difference with that. And the difference of the, uh, the office of a prophet is that in itself, is that you as a profit is the gift to the church because that's part of the Ascension gifts. So the gifts of the, of the holy spirits are the, the, those gifts that we'd talked about in the three categories that the majority of people said, there are nine gifts. Those are gifts from holy spirit, actively working inside of you, as you desire different things. Thierry 00:26:13 And you grow in the Lord, then the Lord, you know, as you desire spiritual gifts, he then bestows that through love, by faith, through love. But then the other gifts are from Jesus himself, the Ascension gifts and the Ascension gifts are the gifts that the Lord Jesus himself is. Okay, you're going to be this. You're going to be that for the mending of the nets for preparing the bride so that you be part of the, you'll be the, the, the friends of the bridegroom. So you'll be able to prepare the bride to serve the people. And so the prophet himself is a gift. So his life himself is to give his whole life entails a prophetic word. So from the moment that person was born to the moment they die, even before though, if the Lord tarries during their lifetime, then what happens is that whole life is a message to the people itself. Thierry 00:27:13 And there are activators and catalysts to other people. And so there are also, uh, different types of profits as well. And the Bible uses different words for that as well. And so there are, we have everybody knows now because of James gall, he wrote a really excellent book on the sear prophet, right? Which is also the chose a to just use different words, depending on how you see that to chose a, uh, the sear. And then you have a profit, which is the, the NABI, and they also received the prophetic in different manners. So some of them receive them via burden and flowing thoughts and the dripping and the, and the flowing. And then you have the SERE. More of them are they see visions and have dreams. And more of the prophet are more into the governmental area or in vice-a-versa than this year. Thierry 00:28:08 This year is probably not involved in so much in the, in the, in the governmental area as well, in that sense. But we see all these different profits. We see God, we see, you know, uh, Daniel, uh, we see, uh, Samuel, we see different profits that are there, and that the way that they receive the prophetic may not be exactly to say, well, their profits are Sears, but it just says that they have different ways of receiving it as well. So, but everything in this sense is just to kind of wrap it up to kind of advise you and there's different. Uh, the prophetic is also different in the new and the old Testament. And there is one of those things that in the old Testament, there's a lot of judgment because that's the way that the Lord was pushing things. You just really, you're just, you, you receive a word and you just go ahead and, um, uh, you go ahead and, uh, uh, what do you just repeat it? Thierry 00:29:00 And so there's these elements that I want to talk about is that everybody can give comfort edification and exhortation, but whenever you get to the level, the other levels of responsibility, you'll be able to give direction correction and warning. And so whenever we teach the practice of prophecy in meetings and, and training, we leave out those other elements because those other elements are reserved for people that have been hearing more. And then if you do receive those things, write them down, pray on it and see what the Lord says. Now, for me, when I went through some of these schools or training, or these places and streams, I've already been through the things that they tell you not to do, meaning that they tell you, okay, don't, don't prophesy mates, don't prophesied children. Don't prophesy. You know what? I didn't have anybody to teach me, but holy spirit, so I've already made either mistakes, or I've already made those prophetic words and they have come to pass. Thierry 00:30:08 But it is wise that whenever you're going through these schools just remember eight. They had mentioned that for a reason, because, because of the fact that a lot of people have made mistakes, you know, prophesying to somebody are you're going to be my wife and they have, you're telling them something like that. That means you're giving them no free will no free choice. And with the Lord, there is free will is free choice. So you have to have the maturity. So these, these things are the things that we have learned in the prophetic streams and, and those generals that came before us, you know, uh, Bob Jones, Bishop bill Hamon, uh, you know, all these people, Paul Cain, uh, Graham cook, you know, so many different people, Larry Randolph, so many different people that I can list off right now. You know, uh, John Paul Jackson, you know, uh, Patricia King, there's so many different people out there that have come before us. Thierry 00:31:06 But the thing is, is that when we go through these, when they have gone there, there's, their floor should be our, uh, or their ceiling should be our floor. And we just build upon them. We honor them and we take what we have. Now. We have to remember that in order for us to progress, we can't take things into a religious mindset. Like, oh, we know everything. We really don't because as mathematicians and people that studied space so that the study, uh, you know, uh, like an Albert Einstein, what they do is they say the more they learn about whatever subject or field, the more they realize they really don't know. And so we must be like children in order for us to Excel, to continue learning. Okay. So let me go back to what we were on early so we can continue here. Thierry 00:31:58 All right. So what is the prophetic? The prophetic is in Jeremiah one and seven. They're saying that the prophetic is to act or to speak on the behalf of God, the mind of God, pretty much. And it's to speak under the influence of the holy spirit. According to first Samuel 10, six, and 10, the Testament of Jesus has a spirit of prophecy. We talked about that that's revelation 19 and 10 creative words from a divine source that call those things that are not into being that's forthtelling. So that's Romans four 17 Genesis one, one through three and Ezekiel 37. So there are times where the Lord would release this prophetic faith. Remember everything comes from him is based on the presence. We don't do nothing out of our own it's because of the presence of God. So we're not purpose driven. We are presence driven and we should be. Thierry 00:33:04 And so that's why, when you find yourself prophesizing with not in the presence, you stepping into solace rounds, and that's where you have a lot of flaky, prophetic words. And so we have to be very cognizant of the presence and we are one with him, but there are times where the Lord, we release such a strong faith that Ivan remember, one day I was going to this school in the military, and the Lord said, I want you to speak these words. As you step outside of this door, it was raining. And I stepped out of the door and he said, say, stop raining. And I did. And then just stopped right there. Boom. I felt a strong presence, but when I try to do it on my own, when he didn't say it, it didn't happen. Thierry 00:33:56 I forth told you are able to do that whenever the Lord releases that to you and releases the faith that goes along with it. And you can fourth tell. And so when you're stepping into the prophetic office, there is the leash is actually unleashed a little bit easier for you to be able to foretell more. And that's what you see. Sometimes you meet a prophetic that a person with a prophetic gift, but someone in the prophetic office, they say something and suddenly things start to shift in your life. Not because they're confirming prophetic words, but there are words. There are new words that you've never heard before. And they just fourth tell and things begin to shift because remember the church has built. The foundation of the church is built on the apostles and the prophets, not on pastors. It doesn't say that it says on the apostles and prophets. Thierry 00:34:55 And so when we have it upside down where we have pastors and teachers and evangelists building the church, we have an upside down church. We need to have the apostles first. And then the profits building the foundation. And we're not talking about every single little church needs to be built in that way. We're just saying that the foundation of the Catholic, the, the big church, the universal church is like that. And so, as I've explained it before, which I believe even I believe his Bishop bill Hamon and Bob Jones, they talk about the hand of God, which is the Ascension gift. The thumb is the fatherly love, which points to the apostle. He up, he brings in that, and then you have the index finger, which is the prophetic or the prophetic office. And it points to the future and they see the future and they bring it up. Thierry 00:35:53 And then the, the prophets and the apostles together, the thumb and the index finger can hold the sword and they can be able to work it out, to bring that foundation out, the new things that are being built. And then you have the longest finger, which stretches out longer than any of the finger goes outside of the borders of the church and goes out and gather harvest as the evangelist. And so when you do have somebody in your church who is a leader, if they're evangelists that anointing will spread to every single person will be able to do that. And then you have the other finger where you have the ring finger. And they said the ring finger, because it's married to the churches, the pastor, they guard the sheep, they keep them. And they, they, they protect them in the doctrines of, of, of, of, of the body of Christ. Thierry 00:36:42 And then the small finger, which is a teacher. But it's not only that it actually brings balance because if you cut your little toe in your foot, you are not going to have balance. But if you do cut your thumb, you're just all messed up. Matter of fact, they used to do that to Kings. They would cut their thumb and they will cut their big toe. And they would have him, uh, eat the food of their, the Kings that were conquered that conquered them under their, their, their table. And they wouldn't be able to grab the, can grab a sword after that because they had that. And you can't, whenever you have your toe cut off, you don't have the balance to be able to do anything. You can't even walk a straight line. So it is very important that as the body of Christ, that we see that we see that, okay. So let's look at, uh, the Hebrew for the prophetic here, it says is to bubble forth like a fountain nest, the word NABI, to drop, to lift up, to tumble, forth, to spring forth, the God-given ability to give forth in the language of your own, understanding a message direct from the heart of God, unto edification, exhortation, and comfort. Thierry 00:37:58 And so whenever we do receive the prophetic words, it comes in in this way, a hundred percent of the word, if it's from the right sources, because the sources is very important to understand the sources can be, uh, you know, you can have human source, you can have human spirit. You can have, uh, from God himself, you could have maybe, um, you know, a negative spirit or evil spirit influencing your thought. That's where you get divination. But if the prophetic word is coming from the himself, that is a revelation that's called rhema. It's a message from God. And it comes in at a hundred percent sure he got revelation. Then you have interpretation. And then application in the interpretation portion is where we begin to lose the accuracy because there's human error and factors that come into play. And that's what we see in the new Testament is like that agribusiness is one of the profits, as you can see, as he prophesied, he received something the way he interpreted and the way that the act, the prophetic act was done. Thierry 00:39:09 You see that those elements of things that were lost in the, in, in the message, some things were lost, but yet he wasn't called the false prophet. Just like if you have a pastor or a teacher that teaches false doctrine, we don't call them false teachers. They're just, sometimes they make mistakes in different things like that. So there's a grace for that. We're in the dispensation of grace. And so it's not like in the old Testament where you receive a prophetic word and it was a prophetic word where you just scribing it and just write it exactly how the Lord is telling you to do it in the new Testament. Holy spirit is inside of you. The heart of God is inside of you. And so you have to learn to partner with holy spirit and begin to hear what he's saying in his heart, but there is a learning curve, the learning process. Thierry 00:39:59 So you can't fear that most people don't start in the prophetic, or they have the paralysis of analysis because of the fact that they're afraid that they're going to miss it. Of course, we're all gonna miss it. And if you get to a place where you think you're not going to miss it, then you shouldn't be prophesied. We should be at a place of humility all the time. Your military is friends of the prophetic. You need to remain humble at all times that you may miss it, and you have to be ready to apologize. You have to be ready to say, okay, you know what? I missed it. Maybe I need to hear a better, maybe I need to focus on this better because sometimes things do come in and hinder you frustration as an enemy or prophetic. So a prophetic person needs to be at rest. Thierry 00:40:40 It needs to be at a place of rest, not at a place where there are being demanded. Like, you know, sometimes people are begin to prophesied, gets words of knowledge for this words of knowledge for that. And they're prophesied. And then they're, you know, they get demanded so much. There's such a demand that it causes them to have a false expectation, a false board burden upon them. When they go to different churches and ministry, you don't want to be at that place because now you're performing. Instead of actually being at the heart of the father, you have to be at a place of rest and peace. And that is what the prophetic should be. And when you're in that place, you're golden because there's humility. The element of humility is there. Thierry 00:41:25 So the body of Christ supposed to be prophetic, we speak the truth to the world, right? We reveal the heart of the father. We release words of life. We re we bring warning and correction of impending judgment that comes through. That's part of that. That's part of the prophetic. It's not only about personal prophecy and what the Lord wants. He wants to create a people who have a prophetic heart who want to bring the heart of the father to the heart of the sons and sons of the father, the Elijah, the spirit of Elijah. He wants to bring that. And so this is something that is encouraged. This is something that needs to be encouraged. But the thing is that there are different protocols that were established even throughout the church right now, so that we will be able to all prophesize accordingly because in the Corinthian church, everybody had the ability to do it. Thierry 00:42:32 So Paul was like, Hey, all right, everybody can prophesy, but guess what? Let's just get it this way. If one is prophecy, every one of you be quiet and let one speak. And everybody else judged the spirit of the prophets is subject to the prophets. So there has to be some kind of prophetic protocol when you're in a group of a lot of people. Now, if you have like three or four or five people or whatever, and, you know, you can kind of work it out. But when you get a whole body of people, there has to be some kind of protocol. And that's something that changes from local places. You can't really put everything together. It depends on the leadership and how it works. But basically those things are very important. All right. Thierry 00:43:14 Okay. So we're going to go to the fruit works of the spirit. And, um, here fruit says work, act deed that which originates or comes from something and effect result. And that is from fair definition. There is just like, um, what does that, the other one, uh, the coordinates, what does a strong from corner, but it's a different one. And here says that work or act or deed. So it says, but if all prophesied and then unbeliever or uninformed person comes in, he is convinced by all. And he's convicted by all first Corinthians 1424. So this is Paul explaining and saying that when we begin to prophesize the mind of God, the mysteries of God, to the people, and we're in the midst of us, there are unbelievers or even believers. What happens is that the Lord is glorified because the people secrets or the secrets of the heart, or the desires are different, things are revealed. Thierry 00:44:25 And so there is that th that element, the prophetic is what actually it brings the, and the goodness of God to people. And there's a missing misconception because sometimes you'll find a person who is prophesying from the old Testament mindset. And that's something that I believe I was in, in the beginning, because I was used to think that the prophetic was judging and all this other stuff. Cause because you, when you read the old Testament, that's what you see. But then when you notice that the last of the prophet of the old Testament, what happened to him, he lost his head. He's had got cut off and that was John the Baptist. He was one of the greatest, but Jesus said that he was one of the greatest prophet of that time, but a new believer or a person that is born again in Christ or in the kingdom is greater than John. And how is that? Because from that dispensation things started in that sense. And so, because of the access that we have, because of Jesus, they wish that they knew what we know now, but because of that, we are stepping into a place where they wished they did. And in that place, there is grace. And so holy spirit is living inside of us and he's in us. And so we have a greater level of access and we can be able to prophesize and forth Tel foretell and foretell with him. Thierry 00:46:04 And so it is really important that we understand that we're not coming in, in judgment because Jesus already dealt with sin. He's not worried about sin, any one of us, whether we're saved or not saved or whatever the case, we can see sin in people. We don't, you don't need to have a special gift of prophecy or word of knowledge or whatever it is to be able to see the sin in other people. That's not our job being a prophet or someone with the gift of prophecy or even a believer. Doesn't give you the right to you. Don't tell the people what they're doing wrong in the sense of, oh, well, you know, I can see that you have this sin and that that's just so immature. Our goal in the prophetic is to Edify is that edifying, when you finding somebody who has a particular sin or something like that, right? Thierry 00:47:04 So the key is to comfort, Edify and exhort. And so when you're coming in, in the old Testament style, you're coming in, in judgment and condemnation and all these other stuff, we're not saying that if somebody is doing those things that you shouldn't, uh, it's not saying that w that, that, that what they're doing is right. Would you saying that when you're prophesying, you're edifying your finding the goal that is in them? Okay. So one best example is one of those that I've learned from one of my mentors is that when Abraham was yet a father of many nation, his name was Abraham. And when the Lord came to Abraham and wanted to destroy, um, some Sodom and Gomorrah, he said, should we tell Abraham that he's going to be a father of many nations now? Or should we wait in that sense? So it's like, he, the Lord, what he does is he presents us. Thierry 00:48:14 The, the prophetic shows us who we are in the end from the present. So the Lord already sees the outcome of who we will be now. So when he speaks with us, he sees those two sides of us at the same time simultaneously, he's the beginning of the end. So, as he's speaking with Abraham, he sees the end from the beginning. And so he chooses to explain to him, oh yeah, you're going to be a father of many nations. And so with us, when we're prophesying, we're looking beyond what we see now, because I've been in a position where, where I was not doing well, I was backsliding and I was not in a good place. And the Lord asked me to go to this particular church. And then he asked me, after that particular church go to another church, and I went to that second church. Thierry 00:49:08 And in a second church, there was a prophetic ministry I showed up. And before they can get six or seven feet away from me, they begin to prophesy all these great things that I would do. But it was because of the goodness that they prophesied of the things that they saw that brought me to repentance. It was not that they saw the things that were obvious. Anyone can see things like fornication and whatever the case may be. It doesn't take a genius or prophetic minister to see those. That's not what the prophetic is about. There are some exceptions in private situation where the Lord will say, look, in terms of discipline, because if someone has been dealing with these issues for several years and years and years, and the Lord says, Hey, look, you need to tell this person, they need to shape up, or I'm going to bring them to discipline. Thierry 00:49:59 Just like that one person in the Corinthian church, where they were having relations, where their mother, we don't know if it was, you know, uh, the exact situation, but it doesn't say, but they were having that situation. And they told them they need to fix it because it was a discipline issues. But for those that you get something, and that brings up the whole issue. You don't prophesied all the time. The first things that you get that could be a diagnosis. And then you find out what the prognosis is, and then you get the solution. And then that's how you see the word of knowledge, a word of knowledge, a word of wisdom, working tandem, and those elements work in tandem to, to, to work with prophecy. I think I mentioned when I mentioned three categories that the prophecy almost transcends those guests, because you could actually prophesied into healing, prophecy into miracle prophecy into the faith prophecy. So the prophetic element, actually, although it's in that second category that we talked about the audience or say, gift, it actually transcends those. And he goes, there's a line that can be drawn. And so just remember that our goal, and I think this is what one of the people say, uh, is to look for gold in people. Thierry 00:51:17 And when you do that, you're comforting, you're exhorting. And you're edifying because you're calling people from their future into the present. Now that's what prophetic is. Forthtelling and foretelling. You comforting edifice, edifying, and exhorting. Now, whenever you are trusted with what you have had for a little bit of time, then you can begin to step into correction direction and warning, meaning, oh, the Lord, I'm hearing, the Lord is saying, look, um, you gotta stop your job right now and go get another job or whatever the case may be. You know, those are directions move from this house and buy another house. See, those are the things that we don't do in training. And those are the things that we shouldn't do in those kinds of places, because those things come in like, okay, did you hear that correctly? Did you pray on it? Did you craft that prophetic prayer, a word and put it down. Thierry 00:52:17 And is the timing correct? Remember that the element, we said, revelation interpretation application under application, there is other two elements, which is timing and delivery. And by the time you get to the delivery portion, the accuracy is almost at 30% or lower. And it could be actually, if you do it at the wrong timing, because if you say, well, this is going to happen on this day, but then the timing is off. Guess what? That almost makes it a complete, false, prophetic word, but it doesn't make you a false prophet. Does it make you a false, uh, prophetic minister or doesn't make you that your gift is not there? There's also a difference between someone who has the gift, but does not have the training. There are people that I know that prophecy without the training and they're all over the place, but they have the gift. Thierry 00:53:17 You can sense it. You could feel it. This, the spirit of the prophets is subject of prophet. And that prophetic anointing is upon them. But they're all over the place. They're not hitting on target because they're just all over the place. But when you teach them some small particular elements and different things, they hone that gift and they can just go precise, hit the mark right away. And that flow, they can just step into that flow. And that the way we receive a lot of those people that don't, that don't do this often, or they, they have the gift, but they don't do the training. They rely on one, there are some profits or prophetic ministers who are feelers. And so they remain on that and they, they, they grow this muscle in the feeling area. Their five senses is established so well, but they don't see, they don't see pictures. Thierry 00:54:09 They don't see nothing. Occasionally, maybe they do. And there are those who are not only sear or feeler, but they are hearers. And all they do is hear words. They hear the hear, but then they get stuck on that because we are people or human factors or of understanding, or our mind get in the way, because something worked the first time we tried to do the same thing and repeat it. That's why we try to do Sunday service at a certain time of this. Does that look, that's being religious, just because it worked, you open up a clubhouse that said, you know, deliverance is so-and-so. And then there was just such a amazing presence of the holy spirit. Next thing, you know, part two, just because it was such a great crowd, it was such a great, no, that's not the way things work. We have to be fresh, get fresh bread, daily bread, the word of God, daily bread, get fresh instruction, fresh strategies from the Lord. Thierry 00:55:15 And that's the part that actually gets us because when we begin to think that we know it, that's when we really don't know, we got to remain like children. And we got to come in and say, Lord, teach us, teach us how to pray, teach us how to prophesize, teach us how to step into the prophetic realm. Now we have to prophesize according to the proportion of our faith. And that really is based upon the burner or the witness. And when the prophetic comes in, the burden is what actually shows us that, okay, this is the Lord, the presence of the Lord. I can prophesize from that place. Well, we can prophecy from that place with, with confidence, knowing that there's a witness of the spirit of the Lord. I remember once a brother of mine called me minister, you know, big name, we spoke suddenly I had this burden and I just started to flow. Thierry 00:56:13 And then when he left the off the phone, the burden continued and I began to write some prophetic words and that prophetic word was published on a major. And, but the thing was, this started all with a burden for the heart. And so remember we, he says pursue love. So the thing is, is that sometimes you can step into that burden when you have the passion or compassion for the people to be blessed and to be comforted and to be exhorted, to be Edify. And you see someone going through a struggle and is you're praying for them, then that burden falls upon you. And then the witness and the presence of the Lord. And you're catapulting yourself from the presence you prophesied by faith as your starting, perhaps, and then you step into the anointing and then you step into the presence and the glory of the Lord comes in. Thierry 00:57:04 And then there you just rest and just release the word, it just flow, flow, flow, flow flow. And then that burden lifts. You got to stop. Don't just keep going. You don't want to add anything that you don't need to. That's why it's important to feel the burden since the burden and most of the prophetic minister that I know even, um, ministers here, they know they know what I'm talking about. And I'm talking in a sense that most of you here already know these stuff, but I'm explaining it for some that may not hear it may not understand it because these things, we all need a refresher in these things because that's, what's makes us better and able to be able to get our sharper level of the prophetic. Thierry 00:57:50 So having then gifts, the furring or differing, according to the grace that is given to us, let us use them. If prophecy let us prophesy in proportion to our faith, Romans 12 and six. So prophesied, according to the faith that comes upon you and the burden, and don't go out of sight of your Metron or even area of influence in such a way that you're like, oh, you're like, okay. You know, just, just, just lay low, come from a place of humility and begin to prophesy from that place once you're sure it's lift, we need to stop prophesying. Just remember that. That's all I can say about that. Thierry 00:58:39 So let me read some of these scriptures and we'll step into some things here. It says, and though I have the gifts of prophecy and understand all mysteries and all knowledge. And though I have all face so that I could remove mountains, but have not love. I am nothing. First Corinthians 13 and two though, I speak with the tongues of men and of angels and have not charity. I become a sounding brass and a tinkling cymbal, first Corinthian 13 and one. And though I be stole all my goods to feed the poor. And though I give my body to be burned. I have not charity I've profits profits mean nothing per scrum, Indian 13 and three gift of do not neglect the gift that is in you, which was given to you by prophecy with the lane on of hands of the eldership first Timothy four 14. And then I'm going to read a one last one, and we're going to continue here. I wish you all spoke with tongues, but even more that you prophesied for he who prophesies is greater than he who speaks with tongues, unless indeed interprets that the church may receive edification first, Corinthian, 14 and five. I want you all to speak in tongues so that you can prophesize a different translation. So we do understand that impartation. Now, let me talk a little bit about impartation there. Thierry 00:59:59 Now I mentioned it. Our touches are just a little bit, and I'm going to kind of finish with this because this is I'm already, I'm just on the sixth page of this manual. Um, so impartation comes in so many different ways. Uh there's first level impartation was directly from the Lord himself through an encounter, just like, uh, in the dream that, um, Solomon hat, you know, the Lord showed up and his dream and the Lord gave him an impartation of wisdom. Um, you have Jesus, uh, imparting to the 70 and the 12 you have. Um, there's so many examples. I mean, I can go on, but you also have the secondary portion where the Lord sends someone, for example, Jesus could have right then and there, when saw, who became Paul at the road of Damascus at the encounter, when he became blind could have said, okay, you know, I, I heal you right here and I impart to you, whatever, but he decided to send him to someone, another person, because the Lord does honor. Thierry 01:01:21 He there's something about the eldership that the Lord honors and that's holy spirit, the way he operates. I mean, look at the seven, Phillip, Stephen and all the other ones, they were already full of the word full of the holy spirit. But yet when they, before they stepped into another realm, another level, it was because of the impartation that was laid on by the apostolic leaders that came that's was after that, that was, then that things began to go. There's something about an affirmation from the eldership that holy spirit, when he releases that that form of impartation right there increases. And so we have the first portion where the level, that level of unfortunate comes straight. Some people I've heard, you know, they're sleeping in bed and the Lord is visiting them and they get thundering and lightning and, uh, you know, electricity through their body. Thierry 01:02:21 That's an, a form of impartation. Then they begin to step into different realms and levels. And then they do get impartation from people here and there. Those, you honor, you receive from, you, pull from them and whatever's on them, comes upon you. And the other thing that one of my mentors mentioned is this is that we're always talking about Elijah, Elijah, the double portion, double portion. It means times two. That's the lowest level of multiplication. It's not about two times. What don't you go over three times, four times, six times, and I'm not talking about mantles here. Uh, mentors are for people. There's different views on this. And I go with, along with the view that a mental is my mental, your mental is your mental. And one of the reasons why, uh, Elisha had somebody else's mental is because Elijah never finished his job. Thierry 01:03:15 He left, he never finished his mission. And so he's a, if I'm going to do your job and do my job, give me what you had and then I'll do, and I'll have what I have. So he had to now, when it comes to impartation for these gifts, these are there. He says that even Paul said something about how, uh, he was talking to some people and he said, he said to them, you know, I wish I was there so that I can impart to you some of these gifts that I have. So that means that those things can be released and activated. And when I asked the holy spirit about impartation one time back, about 20 years ago, he told me this technical terms comes. I'm very technical. You know, I think about electronics and things like that. And he told me about how magnets work. Thierry 01:04:08 And you can have magnetism from a magnet as naturally magnet because of the way it is that the elements or whatever it is that is made out of, and the electrons are electrons and the protons are all facing a certain way. And that's why you have the north and south in one way. And so they pull and they, they push. And so there's magnetism in that. You could take a piece of metal of iron, you wrap a piece of a coil around it and you put electricity to it. It becomes magnetized. So that was the first form. The electricity is actually the first part of impartation. That's come straight from God. The second part is, okay, like, look, you can actually take a magnet and you take a small little screw that screw may not have been magnetized, but when you put that screw next to that magnet, and it touches it automatically, that piece of screw becomes magnetised from that time on, it may not be as strong as if you put electricity to it, but it is strong enough. And so the Lord showed it to me. I actually practiced it and laid hands on people. And I began to see things happen to those people. As you lay hands on them, there is that activation. It's something that the Lord is already, it's already in them. Those electrons are there. Those protons are there, but there are lined there's realignment. That's what the prophets and the apostles are the ones that are the foundation, the activators, that catalyst, and they release these things. They activate these things in people. Thierry 01:05:50 And that's why Paul says to Timothy, it says, oh, awaken, the gift that was already in you from the laying on of my hands, through the prophetic Presbytery of the elders, right? That is accessible. Those things are accessible. We have to dismiss this, mystify, these things, and look at them in that way. And the thing about it is that, you know, there's people out there that understand this concepts and ideas, and they go out all over the place trying to get impartation from all these people. And, but they don't do nothing with it, or they try to get impartation every day. The key is to cultivate a good character. Thierry 01:06:36 And that's what the Lord loved. That's why you say pursue love when that, which is perfect has come, which is love holy spirit in us. The fullness of that as we desire. And I've heard this minister say, if the Lord ever comes to you and says, what would you like if you had a choice for him to the spiritual gifts, he says, don't choose any of the gifts, go for the gift giver. Say, I want holy spirit. I want to love like he does. I want to be like him. I want to love. I want to have that pursue love, pursued God, because love God is love, pursue God. And in desire, spiritual gifts is very important. And when you do hone in on the prophetic, because the prophetic will catapult you into the other as well, a prophetic anointing is very contagious. Thierry 01:07:37 You guys know the story of first Samuel, 20 10, 5 and 16. I'm not going to read it for the sake of time. So there's so many things here. We could talk about prophesying with music and sound. There is something about music and sound that whenever you have that in the background, it's like the words actually ride the music. I've noticed that when I started prophesying in the NABI style of the prophetic, in the flowing thought, when I had a minstrel next to me, or music or guitar, it's like, it was so easy. I can step. There's like a rhythm that goes along on the flow. Like that's how David was. You know? So let me read this scripture here says more ever David and the captains of the army, separated for the service come of the sons of south of on, and <inaudible> who should prophesize with harps string instruments and symbols. Thierry 01:08:39 And the number of the skilled men performing their service was of the sons of a south <inaudible> Joseph <inaudible> and Azara Ella. The sons of Assaf were under the direction of a soft who profits out according to the order of the king of <inaudible>, the sons of <inaudible> get Elia. Zeri Gish, Aja, shimmy. I, I share by, uh, and <inaudible> six under the direction of their father. <inaudible> who prophesied with a harp to give thanks and praise to the Lord. First Chronicles 25 1 2 3. When you begin to sing a new song to the Lord, the prophetic anointing does enter in. There is a river of the presence of God. And there are different flavors of that. You can sense when you're in a meeting, when there's a prophetic, anointing comes in, you can sense. When does a healing, anointing comes in out of that river, the streams of the river, there is different elements that you can taste out of and say, okay, there, there is a strong healing anointing. Thierry 01:09:45 There is a strong, prophetic anointing. There is a strong regulatory anointing of spirit of wisdom and revelation. At this time to receive the reminders. It's time to preach the word. It is time to do miracles signs and wonders. And so the music, I allows us to step into the different dimensions and grab on and latch up on it. It's like, there's a current going and you need to catch it and say, okay, I want to catch in that. I want to step into that with my canoe and just flow. We all can do that through worship. So a prophetic person need to be a worshiper. First, you got to worship, you got to learn to worship the Lord, worship God worse. Cause we can all access to prophetic when we're in worship. Matter of fact, as I grew more mature, I began to not wanting to get preferred to work because anybody can get it. Thierry 01:10:36 And that's why I tell some of the young people we're in a prophetic, oh, we're in a meeting. The presence of God shows up. They all want a prophecy. Yeah. Anybody, a cockroach can prophecy in the presence of God. You know what? Write it down on a piece of paper, sit down and just sit self-control as part of the fruit of the spirit, self control yourself. And wait, because we all can prophesize in the, in the, in, in, in that anointing. But what we need to do is we need to focus on what's important is worshiping. The Lord is more important than anything else. Let's enjoy his presence. Let's enjoy him. It's not going to go away. When that, when that spirit is there, you catch on it, you get your prophetic word. If you're the kind of what you can actually float, you can get a burden and prophecy from that. Thierry 01:11:19 Or you could just write it down or you could just say, okay, Lord, how do you want me to remember? You gotta practice revelation, interpretation, application, delivery, and timing. When is it you're supposed to do that? He may say do it now. But then you've got to go through the prophetic protocol of that church or that meeting or whoever it is that that you're under because the anointing and the flow of a service goes along with the leadership, because it, you may have a prophetic word in the prophetic and it shows up. But if the leadership does not believe in prophecy, it may not flow exactly how you thought it would. Those are the things that we have encountered through experience. And most of the leaders here know, understand that, you know, you can just get rejected right away, especially if you're not well-known or your prophetic words are, you know, um, they may be like, okay, we don't know who you are. This is, you know, things like that. So those are the things that come in, uh, the human factors that come in. Um, so I'll stop here. We're at the prophetic dance. I'll stop here. And I'm going to go ahead and, uh, open it up for everybody else to.

Other Episodes

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