Learning to be a portable prayer chamber with Thierry Nakoa

Episode 1 February 21, 2024 01:13:41
Learning to be a portable prayer chamber with Thierry Nakoa
Fire School Of The Holy Spirit-Warriors on Fire
Learning to be a portable prayer chamber with Thierry Nakoa

Feb 21 2024 | 01:13:41


Show Notes

Learning to be a portable prayer chamber with Thierry Nakoa

 To purchase books by the same author visit: https://www.amazon.com/author/thierrynakoa

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Welcome to the school of the Holy Spirit. We shine the light of Jesus over you. We sprinkle his blood on you and wash you with the water of his word. Lord, forgive us of our sins as we forgive those who have trespassed against us. Holy Spirit, send forth your flames of fire, ministering spirits, your angels, to minister to all the listeners. May the eyes of your understanding be enlightened so that you may know the limitless love of the Father in Christ Jesus. For you, I was thinking and asking the Lord and saying, okay, how are we going to teach this? I've taught on this before. We have some recording, but this is not the same because this is coming in on a different angle. I think there's more, a little bit more experience on my side in the sense of I've learned a little bit more than, you know, the first time or first time that I taught on these type of messages. As you've been in the teachings already, you've learned with elder Anez and other folks that there's a lot of different kinds of prayer out there. And there's prayer of intercession, prayer of supplication, thanksgiving, you know, and there's also silent prayer or contemplative prayer. And I love contemplative prayer because it's. It's like there's a lost art of contemplative prayer. And I think that meditation, which is contemplative prayer, is coming back again. It's like it's gonna make its way around. I know there's been some negative connotations even behind the word meditation, because people think that the word meditation is actually some eastern way of practicing religion or something. It's actually, the christian folks actually invented meditation. [00:02:08] And meditation means just to think again, just to ponder on, is to the same way that you worry on day to day things like you're worried about getting paid and having money or you're worried about people, whatever. That type of worrying is actually meditation, but is in the opposite end of the spectrum. So anytime you're worrying, you're meditating on the negative. So you gotta switch your mindset and begin to meditate on the good things. Even the scripture says, think on these things, things that are pure, things that are lovely and of good report and all that. And that's actually prayer. And there's a classic book that I read long time ago by Brother Lawrence. I don't know. Back in those days, they didn't call people by apostle and prophets, and they called him brother. So brother Lawrence is amazing because he teaches in that book. I think it's called the lost art of intercession or something like that. Or practicing the presence. It's called practicing the presence. And I think James Gaul rewrote the book and included it in some of his material. So if you ever get an opportunity to get that, get it, it's really good. And. And what it does, it talks about how you can be washing the dishes, and this is nothing. Sex. As I wash the dishes, you can be washing dishes. Brother Lawrence was washing the dishes, too, because I think he. He used to be like a monk or something, and he was washing dishes. And they said that you could wash the dishes and be talking to God at the same time. [00:03:40] And it's very powerful because it's like I've learned from those. I don't know. I don't know if I call them masters, but from my mentors and people that have gone before me that they have an ability to get before the Lord really quick. You know, they don't have to do the things that I do to get in that mode. And I do believe that with practice, that every single one of us can get there. And so, you know, we may not be in a place where we, you know, we can pray in tongues out loud. We may not be in a place where we can hold hands with other brothers and sisters and yell and scream out, you know, out at the top of the lungs and all that which is. Has its place. Every kind of prayers have a place. I mean, even in the heavens, they had 30 minutes of silence. I mean, I don't know if it was 30, but it was a period of silence. [00:04:37] And then they had times where they had intercession, and they had the saints praying, and they had bowls filled with the incense of, you know, which it says is the prayer of the saints. [00:04:49] And then those bowls got filled, and once they got filled, they, you know, the angels took those bowls, and then they poured it back to the earth, and then it turned into lightning, thunders. And that, to me, is significant of the lightning and the thunders is actually the angelic host going out there quickly, manifesting the word of God. So the word of God, when God spoke in different scriptures in different places, you actually heard people say, well, I heard thunder. Some say, oh, I saw lightning. And some people say, well, I heard a still small voice. But the thing is, God, it's just the different ways of reception. [00:05:27] And so the best way to really understand how prayer works is actually studying the harp and bowl. The harp just symbolizes the music or the sound which helps carry, you know, it does help there. There is certain tools that we do use on earth that do help us to get in a prayer mode. I will touch that in a little bit. For example, you know, in the scripture, if we didn't have this in the book of James, people would be in trouble right now, which is James says that if somebody's sick, you know, anoint him with oil, pray with them, and the prayer of the faith will heal the sick and Jesus will raise them up. [00:06:09] There's no a lot of places, I don't see a lot of places where people are anointed with oil for that, like for sickness and getting healed. So we learned something from that. But it's a tool, it's not a juju thing, you know. So we do see that. And then we do see in scriptures where, like the tabernacle of David, where they had paid musicians, and they got rid of all the compartments that was found in the tabernacle of Moses, and they got rid of all the sections, the holy place, the most holy place, and the holies of holies. And they got just this one room, which is the church today. And we all gathered in the center of the ark of the covenant, the temple, the glory of God, the presence of God. [00:06:56] And that's another way that we see that the Lord is worshiped. [00:07:03] And back in the day, people had to worship in a temple or in a tabernacle. And the Lord Jesus says, no, it's not like that anymore. Now you don't have to face Jerusalem to pray, but you just pray within your heart. And you are the temple now. So now we are the carriers of the glory of God. And Jesus seats in the mercy seat, which is located in our spirit. And so that's amazing. That's amazing. And so that's why it is important for us to understand this now. Understanding third heaven, intercession, some people call it that. I think there's another folks that call it, I think it's Paul Davis calls it omega type of prayer. It's just another coinage of saying like end time prayers or prayers that avail much. [00:07:55] You know, some people call it. [00:07:57] I don't know, there's so many different words, I think, that you could use for prayer. What I do believe, and I agree with them, is that we have to be prayers that are crystal centric. [00:08:11] And I remember what Graham Cook says. He says that he heard this individual say this, and I think you guys heard this. This individual was asking Gram cook and saying, hey, what does Jesus do? All day, like he's, you know, did the cross thing. And he's. He won and he went up to heaven and he sat, you know, because you guys understand, whenever a king sits, that means that they have won the battle. And of course, we're still waiting for all the enemies to be under his feet, like death and all this other stuff, and for us as well. And so the war has been won, but there's still some battles, of course, that we're. That we still have to finish up here on earth. And so he's sitting up at the right hand of the father. And we do remember there was an instance where, when the first martyr died, Stephen, he stood up. Okay, so he didn't stand up and then stay up, but he stood up. And that's more of a, like, I think it was more like a father or, you know, like somebody standing up and saying, oh, that's my son. You know, that's my boy right there. You know, he's. He's. He's doing exactly what I've called him to or anything like that. It's more like being proud of him and standing up and saying, okay, and so there is. And there are people, when you read the book of revelation that were. That are predestined and preordained before the ages of time to be martyrs for the Lord. [00:09:39] And it's a privilege. I believe that some of these people got, and I believe that every one of the disciples, the twelve disciples, or eleven, with exclusion of Judas, they all died in a specific way, or they all died for the faith and they were martyrs. And it's a cup that they had to pay. Of course, there are some theological debates on John the revelator, if he died, didn't die, but he did suffer a lot. [00:10:12] He got burned in oil and things like that. But the prototype or the way that we look at things is the heavenly thing. So whenever the temple was built and the plans were made, even the plans for the ark, I'm talking about the ark that Noah built, it was all based upon the pattern that the Lord gave, based upon things that were in heaven. [00:10:37] Even when we study, like, scriptures, we see like Irenaeus and Uranus and some of the first century Ad forefathers, they talk about and typify the ark, that it is a picture of the Lord Jesus himself, where eight souls went in there and they had three levels, you know, which is typifying. Of the tabernacle, you got the most holy place, the holies of holy, and you got the outer court things like that. And you see those three levels set up in everything we do. And matter of fact, even theologians are talking about this, how that the Garden of Eden was set up like that. You have the outer court, the inner court, and the most holy place. And Adam and Eve got kicked out of the most holy place, which was the Garden of Eden. And they believed that that was like the tabernacle he was supposed to guard, that temple, supposed to guard, that tabernacle he was supposed to guard. And he was the high priest of that place. And so we see the typology all over the Bible. [00:11:50] Whether you look at the ark or you look at the ark of the covenant, even the ark of the covenant had compartments within compartments. So inside of the ark of the covenant or the mercy seat, you had the two cherubims facing each other, the seat which only Jesus could sit on there, and they sprinkle the blood. And inside of there they had articles which represented the anointing of God or the presence of God or the glory of God, the showbread. And once the showbread was in there, remember, outside of that box, it just dissipated and went away. But inside of that box, the glory remained. The Aaron's rod that budded, which typifies the authority of God, that whoever the Lord chooses, they may be dead, which they should be dead. It's a dead tree that budded and produced, you know, produced. And so we, as people of God, as ministers, we should consider ourselves dead to ourselves, and we should live like that in Galatians 220, that we're no longer live, and that the glory of God is what makes us what we have and what we do, the ministry that we do, everything belongs to him. And so a day is of a thousand, and a thousand is of a day. So it's all relative. The theory of relativity is true. And so to the Lord, one day to him could be a thousand to us. And so everything that he has set up is based upon the pattern and the pattern we call that. Like it's in the third heaven. So there's a third heaven type of intercession. [00:13:27] That means that it's based upon what Jesus, and I'm just gonna loop that whole talk that I just mentioned. So it's based upon what Jesus is doing and what he's saying to the Father. [00:13:39] So our goal as intercessors or priests or people of God or whatever, as Christians, what we need to be doing is we need to have our ears on the heart of Jesus, because we are bi located anyway. So we are in the presence of God, in Jesus, hidden in the bosom of Jesus, and Jesus is hidden in the bosom of the Father. [00:14:04] But there is a communication that is happening, and the Holy Spirit gives us the, you know, based upon, of course, clearances. Right. So there, I don't know, for those of you that were, that work for the government or the military or whatever, there is clearance levels. Right. So what does that mean? That means that everything that the Lord Jesus talks to the Father, we know there are some things, like the day of his coming, he says, that doesn't belong to you, but there are different things that he does tell us. Those that fear God, those that are prophets, will hear the voice of God with secrets, like secret things. So there's need to know information. So like, for example, I don't need to know everything that is going on in my city spiritually, because it does. It's not, I'm not called to pray for every single person, but there are certain things perhaps that pertain to me and my position and my metron that the Lord will share with me. So basically, what I'm trying to say is that your prayer is also based upon the revelation and the amount of revelation that the Lord has given you. And so there is a responsibility in what the Lord is revealing to you. We had an individual who was just recently had a dream, and the Lord was revealing to him or to her and their family about certain things in the communities. And so they had to pray about those things. And so that means that now they have an additive revelation on what to pray and how to pray. So if you forfeit, and I think this is something that Danny was quoting, suppressa, if you forfeit your responsibility and your assignment, you're forfeiting your authority. [00:15:44] So what does that mean? So that means, like, for example, the Lord asked me to minister on this platform, and if I put that away and I say, ah, I'm too big for this. So this is not, then what I'm doing is where the anointing is. And this is, mama, daddy said this before, says, wherever you have an assignment, you have the anointing that goes with it and the authority that goes with it. So, so a lot of us, we have to be very cognizant. We have to be looking as we're planning on prayer, whether it's whatever type of prayer, whether it's intercessory prayer, whether it is, you know, contemplative prayer, which is, which we want to talk about, silent prayer, whatever you want to do, you have to be able to know why you're praying or what you're doing. Now, of course, we don't have to know how to pray, to pray because you know the Lord. [00:16:45] You know that situation where the disciples asked Jesus, teach us how to pray. And I think that's where we have to be at. If you want to mature in anything spiritually, you want to be at a place of not knowing it all or not pretending you know it all. See, when you do think you know, that's where we call religion. Of course, there's a lot of definition for religion, but one of those definition is that you think you know. So let's say the Lord asked you to start a church. Well, if you do, based upon the fact that you know what you're doing, then you're missing out on what the Holy Spirit wants to do. [00:17:20] And so even in prayer, you have to come in as though you're just coming to the Father. [00:17:28] And what I mean by the Father, I'm saying to God, I'm saying God, both the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. Right? They're one whether, you know, they're all one just different personalities. [00:17:39] When we approach him, there's protocols that are involved. And I think those are the things that, as modern day christians, we seem to forget kingdom protocols. We seem to forget protocols on how to approach the Father, even though it says we can approach him boldly. And da da da da da da, because of the fact that Jesus Christ is our righteousness and the sin has been done away with through the cross, and so we can enter in the veil, and the veil has been torn. But one of the funny things that I was talking to people about the other day was, is that everybody's talking about an open door, right? And they're like, uh, open door, open door this, open door that. There's an effective open door. And we all taught on psalms 24, who shall ascend and the heel of the Lord and this and that. And people don't understand that. Before psalms 24 comes, there's psalms 22, which is the cross, death to self, the suffering, the jubilee. And then there's psalms 23, which is the descension. You know, where you go down below. You know, Jesus went down below the earth. He preached. Peter says he preached to the dead. He preached to the righteous dead. And in Abraham's bosom. And then he ascended upon high. So. But then we did talk about this the other day about the revelation four one door, which everybody's saying that, you know, that's the door. If there is a door, that's the door. Well, that door, when it opens up, it opens up. But there still is an RSVP. There still has to be an invitation, because as you can see, John the Baptist, he had to be called. He said, come up here. You know, he saw the door, he saw the light, he saw the portal. And. But we need to have that invitation so that just because you can access the tabernacle or a temple or whatever, you had to have business and the right to be there. And, you know, you could be clean and get all that stuff and you. And be there, but. But you gotta get that. So the Lord has to call you to come up. [00:19:45] But it's not like you have to be anybody. You just have to have your heart on him and find out what it is that he wants you to do. And then you got to be in the right timing, too. So, you know, just because you are a specific person. I remember this thing by John Paul Jackson. He said this. He said that throughout his life as a prophet, he didn't do exploits the same way when he started out in the beginning or in the middle or in the end. [00:20:17] You know, in some part of his season, he was called to do pastoral work. And he was building people, discipling people. And then part of his other work was to do ministry where he was on tv and he was recording mysteries and doing different things. And then some of his other part of his life was to write books and to be isolated and seek the Lord. And we have seasons like that in our lives, too. So we got to understand what kind of season we are. Are we in a season of manifestation or season of hiddenness, as Gram Cook says? So even, even husband and wife, they have seasons where, you know, a woman may be in her time, you know, for those that are still in those days, they have their time of cleansing. And those process doesn't mean that, you know, when the, when the scripture says a priest and those people of God just, you know, kind of stay away from a woman that's going through that time, that it's a bad thing. It's just saying that, okay, this, we want to make sure that you're clean, completely clean, before you go into the presence. And so that is a natural thing. But let's look at it spiritually. Meaning that there are times where the Lord will show us even in our dreams, deliverance dreams. So there may be things that we need to cleanse ourselves of, and we need to purify ourselves of continuous sanctification. And then there are times where the Lord just comes in, and we're. I mean, you know, we're praying, we're crying. [00:21:44] We look at the flower, and we're thinking about God, and we're in love with God, and we're just so mushy. Mushy with everything, with the Lord. And there are times like that, but there are times where it just feels like, man, I felt like. I'm praying. I don't feel the presence. I'm praying, did God leave me or something? But no, he didn't. He's always there. God is everywhere. I can go to hell, and he's there. I can go to heaven. He's there. I can go anywhere. Mars, wherever, he's there. So. [00:22:12] But it's understanding that whatever season you're in, it's going to allow you to understand the bigger picture of things. So in saying all that, I'm saying that you may not be in the seasons where contemplative prayer will be your go to, but you may want. Some of you may be in that season, and. But the idea is giving an opportunity and a time for your body to refresh, for your spirit to be strengthened. [00:22:44] And just like we have two ears and one mouth, there is a time where, when we approach God as the king, as he is, with an invitation, we come to just listen to him. Like, you don't have any agendas. You're not coming in and saying, pookie needs this, my son and my dog needs that, and this needs that. And no, you're coming in to just say, okay, lord, I'm coming in to just receive from you and to just stand still. And so this is like the art of waiting on God. And we've taught on this extensively. So there are certain words, like, for example, even in the scriptures, and one of these, you guys will remember is the word for Rapha, but it's spelled r a p h a h. It means to stand still. You guys have seen this in psalms 46 and ten. [00:23:37] So you got to stand still. [00:23:39] And that kind of stillness is that stillness that you're standing still so that God can sit in his place. It's like, have you ever gotten in trouble with your parents? And your parents? Just, okay, just stand still. [00:23:53] Sit. Look at me. I'm talking to you, and you're just listening, and that's it. There are times like that that we need. We need those times. And then there are times where we wait in silence. And that word is for dumia. It means to wait in silence. You can find this in psalm 62 one and five for those of you that are writing. And so when you come in, into his presence, a matter of fact, myself and other leaders have had this happen to them where if you have that time scheduled, like in the beginning in the morning, where you're not, you know, opening up your, your phone to check Facebook, which I think all of us are guilty of doing that, opening up social media, looking to see who's got messages, your emails, like, put that stuff away and wait in silence before the Lord and say, okay, lord, what is it that you have for me today? What is it that you want to do? What is it that you want me to pray about? Right. And what kind of revelation, what kind of things that is in your heart today? And that's the position, I think, that you start to notice the maturity coming in, right where you're like, you're coming before the Lord. Okay. You're the commander, you're the chief, right. [00:25:14] And I understand there is protocols when you're coming in, in prayer of intercession, you know, we worship the Lord first. [00:25:21] We praise him, we raise him up, because that's what it's about, you know, remember that quote that we quoted about Mike Bickle? He says that, like, in worship, we lift him up. And I'm kind of like, paraphrasing it, but in intercession, we're just bringing back the promises, like what, what he has promised us and we read it back to him. That's pretty much what we're doing. But we, we have our whole entire bible we can intercede on. And that's like, from the earthly perspective. But when you start to getting into what Paul ki Davis called omega prayers or third heaven intercession, or those prayers that are combustible, as they say, meaning that those prayers that are from heaven to earth, you have to take that time in silence to listen to the orders, to listen to the general, to listen to the commands. And, you know, I mean, Holy Spirit is on earth right now, but he's also in heaven and he's everywhere, but he is here right now. And so he's talking to us, whether in groanings and intercessions, whatever he is telling us what the father and the Son are talking amongst each other and what is happening and what is the Kairos moment, the opportune times that are available and how he could use each soldiers and each person that are engaged in the military of God or in this kingdom of light. And so if you're not spending that time with the general, then you're not going to know the strategies of how to handle your day. And so let me give you an example of where we see this in the scripture. For those of you that are asking where we see this well, it says that Jesus separated himself and he went either to the high place, to a mountain, or different places. And he spent time with the father, he spent time with God. And when he did that, this is what he was doing. [00:27:29] Right, because I get it. There's a time where when we gather together, two or three are gathered. He's there. Jesus is there. That's great. [00:27:37] But there is a place where you go and see what the father is doing and then you go and do it. It says, I have food, which you do not know of. [00:27:49] It's the communication that you have with the father is the food. And it gives you a kind of like a foresight, like a picture of what is already ahead of the time. And Jesus would know things. Oh, I'm going to run into the woman at the well at this time. I'm going to, I need to go here because this is where this person is at. Oh, you're going to meet this person here. It's going to give you a donkey or there is a upper room that's reserved for this person and that person. This is going to happen. As a matter of fact, some of the, the miracles that he did was based upon what he saw the day before or the morning of. [00:28:28] Right. And that's why he had a mission. He knew who to go to. He knew who to pray for when he, maybe when he didn't do that. Maybe you see him doing things, like maybe taking mud and doing things and, you know, it looks like, oh, what is he doing? Okay. He's doing a prophetic thing that his, his father did in the garden of Eden. Took, you know, man comes from dirt. Well, he takes dirt, put it in his eye. We don't know. We don't know. And I don't. We're not going to know now on this side of heaven. But I will say this is that. [00:29:00] Wait in silence. [00:29:03] Because remember, the most important thing you can give God or anyone on this earth is your time. Because we do have forms of language, of love, of expression of love, whether this touch, some of us love touch. And the Lord loves touching, too. That's why he touches you at church while you're worshiping. And you know, not just because somebody lay hands on you, even though that's good as well, but you're worshiping and you feel the presence and you're dancing and you're he touches you and you, he loves that, and vice versa. [00:29:38] But sometimes he likes to express the love of spending time. [00:29:44] And I know this for sure, that a lot of women love that you spend time with them, because that's the most expensive thing that you could ever give to anybody. As a matter of fact, companies in the world today, they don't want you to spend your own time to discover your own thing and start your own business, because you're gonna save a lot of time. They want you to work for them and they wanna use your skills, but then they set the skill. They put a price or a worth of your skill, which is really, you know, it's something that you should be able to set. But then again, sometimes we think we're bigger and better than some people, but you should know your worth, I should say that. And your time is the most worthy thing that you can give to anybody. And so if you decide to start giving that, it looks to the world as though you're wasting away things. But to us, we call that oil. [00:30:41] Okay? A lot of us, the reason why we don't do so well in ministry, we don't do so well in teaching. And things are not anointed or we study all day, we read all the scripture, we memorize everything, we have the, I mean, we have big manuals in front of us. But the thing is that we did not spend time in silence giving that time to him. [00:31:07] And it's not waste, it's actually gain. So when you decide to begin to. To the world, it's wasting, but to God is winning and gaining. And you say, okay, lord, you know, there's 24 hours out of a day I'm gonna give you. [00:31:27] Let's just talk. Let's say tithing. Let's just say 10%. That's 2.4 hours, which comes out to about, what, two and a half hours, you know, 2 hours and 30 minutes, maybe. Give or take. [00:31:39] You give that to him at the beginning of the day and you just wait in silence. [00:31:45] Maybe in the beginning you may not see something, you may not hear anything, but his presence came to a certain degree, and he poured on you. When you go out and try to do something, guess what? [00:32:01] He will respect the time you gave him, and he will make everything smooth. A matter of fact, I started to practice this. That the days that I don't pray like that, you don't see me go anywhere. Why? Because it's almost like John the Baptist making a way and a path for you, for Jesus, right? So that prayer, it carves a path. [00:32:29] I don't know if you ever mopped the floor before where you just want to pour water on the floor. I mean, that's not the way you mop. But I used to work for this restaurant. And sometimes you just have to grab a lot of water and just pour down and take a squeegee and just start squeegeeing the floor. And that's what happens when you start your day and you sanctify the 2.4 hours, which is sanctifies the whole. For those of you that know tithing, it sanctifies the entire thing. So if you start out the first day, it's like dew on grass, right? That dew touches that grass the entire day. The sun can come out, it can beat that grass. It doesn't matter. Guess what? That dew, that grass has already had its nourishment. It's already had its juice, it's nutrients. And all the water's drank its water and everything. As a matter of fact, it's actually good for your body too. When you're waiting in the presence of God. Drink some water, lay there, listen to him, read the scripture, do whatever you need to do, but be in a position of listening. And the better, the more you do this, the stronger you will be spiritually, the more decisive you will be. You will not be like a double minded person. You will be so focused because you gave it to him. And he decides what the Kairos moments and how things will go. [00:33:58] If you don't, you're gonna be almost like a. [00:34:01] I guess theologians call this the permissive will of God. Where you're just reacting to things that are coming about. [00:34:08] But if you want to land in the perfect will of God, or in the will of God, that is, everything is just falling like clockwork. Everything is falling into place. What do you do? You give him that time. And that's what's called Dumiya. You wait in silence. Psalm 62, one five. Now there's another one. What's called kava. [00:34:29] And it means gather together in oneness. You can find this in Genesis one nine, psalms 25 and five. Now, my understanding with this one means, because we're already one with the Holy Spirit, you can't get any oneness than you are right now. You're already one. I mean, he says that you are one with the Holy Spirit. His bones of your bones and flesh of your flesh. Like we are bones of his bones and flesh of your flesh. So, like, we come from him and we're in. Like we're one. Like you don't have to run anywhere and seek God because he's already inside of you and you're in him and you're part of him. So like scientifically, we already are one with him. [00:35:10] So he hasn't gone anywhere. He's there. That's why he says, you know, don't, don't make yourself one with a harlot because you're adding and you're putting that body as part of the, of the bride. So you understand that we are one with him already. But the consciousness of you realizing that and you positioning yourself and understanding that is where the word gathered together. Because when you look at that word, you actually see it. In acts two, it says that they gathered together. And we talk about 120 people came together. Now it's like almost like a double redundancy. Like how do you gather together? Like meaning you gather together in one accord, in one mind, in one spirit. It's like you could be sitting next to your spouse, but you're not together together. [00:36:08] But when you start to have intimacy, there is oneness. You're face to face, you're gathered together oneness. And that's what the Holy Spirit is looking for. And there is a time when you're praying, whether you're praying with other folks or you're alone. And this is actually for being alone, but you're intimately gathered together in oneness where the Holy Spirit is invading you and he's possessing you in that sense. And I'm using that word not reservedly, but he's possessing you and he's like, and you're one together with him and he in you and you in him. [00:36:49] That is another level of maturity or consecration with the Lord where your conscience is. And there's a book that I haven't really even gotten to it, really. I kind of skimmed. It's called the interior castle. And it talks about contemplative prayer. It talks about, you know, praying in that way. There's also some other teachings called Lectio Divina where you're praying and reading with the word, but you're coming in oneness with the Lord. And you could do this with prayer, with reading, with listening prayer, but your conscious is like framed and pointed toward the face of God, where you're face to face with God and there's this realization that God is there. [00:37:44] You're in him, he's in you, and he's communicating with you right then and there. [00:37:50] Now when you begin to do more of these kind of prayer, it's like have you ever seen those people that are ministers like Kathryn Kuhlman, maybe even Benny Hinnom, other folks where they're praying in a group of, I don't know, thousands of people, maybe in a stadium, and they would say something like, holy Spirit, come. And then there's like a holy us, and then the Holy Spirit shows up and you say, what kind of authority is that? [00:38:18] But the authority is not that you're calling and you're telling God what to do. [00:38:25] No, it's a partnering, because remember, he's our Lord, so we're serving him. But the deal is he respects the time that you spend time with him, that if you're going before him, you're ministering to him, right? In private and you're doing this, let's say you're doing this, you have a history with God. You've done this for ten years. [00:38:52] When you go into the public place and you're in the public and you just say, holy Spirit, come, guess what? If you did it in private, it will happen in the public. [00:39:04] See, there's this thing that is happening where he understands you, you understand him, and you can say, holy Spirit, come. And he responds to that, not that you're anybody, that you're telling God what to do. We can never tell God what to do. He does whatever he wants, but he responds to our worship, he responds to our contriteness, he responds to our humility, he responds to our help, he responds to those who hear his voice, he responds to those who pay a price. [00:39:39] The price of consecration, the price of separating yourself, the price of saying, you know what, I'm not going to eat this today, but I'm going to spend time with him privately. I'm not going to do this, but I'm going to do this. [00:39:53] So that right there is like, it's called being a living sacrifice. Right? That's what it talks about in Peter. Like a holy nation, a holy, a special people, people that are separated, that are giving spiritual sacrifices, spiritual sacrifices of righteousness, spiritual sacrifices of obeying him, spiritual sacrifices of trusting him. Spiritual sacrifices are fearing the Lord. [00:40:19] See, what we need is the spirit of the fear of the Lord. But the spirit of the fear of the Lord we don't have access to unless we are obeying him and we're at the snap of a finger or doing what he's asking us to do. So he's becoming a friend to us because we doing what he's asking us to do that other people are not doing. Let me give you an example, why was Abraham called the friend of God? Well, guess what? The same thing that Abraham did is what the lord did for us. [00:40:53] Abraham is a picture of the father. [00:40:57] Isaac is a picture of the son, Jesus. [00:41:02] RiGht? Jacob, who became Israel, is a picture of the Holy Spirit. That's why we have his name changed. He's not. He is not. And I learned this FroM. [00:41:12] What's his name, Kenneth? [00:41:15] I can't remember his name now. [00:41:17] Ken Connor. [00:41:19] And Doctor Connor said this. He says that when we look at the dynamics of how God presented himself, he says he was the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the three. [00:41:34] And if you StUDY Abraham, you will find out who the father is. If you study Isaac, you'll find out who Jesus is, the son. [00:41:44] If you study Jacob and Israel, you will find out. I'm not talking about the human side of them, but the side that the Lord is personified. [00:41:57] And when you look at that, you get to say, that's why Abraham was a friend of God. That's why there's an Abraham's bosom and not an Isaac bosom or Noah's bosom. There's an Abraham's bosom. [00:42:09] So the righteous dead went in him. Why? Because he was a friend of God. Because he was the one that was willing to give away his only begotten son, sacrifice him, right, and believe that the Lord would resurrect him even after he would kill him and sacrifice him. So he saw what people didn't see. He saw the resurrection. Abraham saw the redemption plan of the Lord, saw the salvation plan of the Lord before anybody saw it. That's what made him. That's what was accounted to him as righteous. Not that he, you know, he made mistakes as well, but because he saw that. He saw what the Lord revealed to him. He saw what the father and the son were doing in the heavens. [00:42:57] And he prayed and he acted upon that. And he did that. [00:43:02] Those are the combustible prayers. Those are the powerful prayers. Those are not just prayers that you're just praying. You're just running your mouth. God wants to teach you how to ascend. Because what's the purpose of ascending into the heavenly places if you're not bringing back any revelation to work on and to do things on earth? I mean, there is going to be and there is already starting a renaissance because that's what an awakening does. An awakening is not just so that you can have fun, you have the feel good, have church all day, every day, even though that's what happens. But to the greater level is reformation. And transformation. See, when the awakening happened in the 19 hundreds and at the, the dawn of, after the dark ages, we had people like Michelangelo and da Vinci and there was a reformation of knowledge, right? And there was the Wrights brothers and all these other things that happened where technology increased. And so there is a revelatory or revelatory renaissance that is on our hand right now, where everybody that has access and has RSVP to the presence of God will receive a nugget. Maybe it's going to turn into a book and everybody's going to read it and understand. Maybe it's going to be a new way, how to do deliverance. Maybe it's going to be a better way, how to do the prophetic and do this and do that, how to interpret dreams or whatever. [00:44:37] But that's the purpose of the awakening, is so that you're awakened to the, the knowledge of the truth, of who Jesus Christ is. And so you see, Abraham, he saw that. He saw Jesus Christ being crucified on a mount. I don't know if it was the same mountain, Mount Moriah or not, but he saw that, that the Lord provided on the mount. That's what the Jehovah jireh means, actually. He will provide on the mount. He will provide. And he did. [00:45:11] And when he saw that, he saw the resurrection, he saw the salvation. And guess what? Because of that, the Lord took him and said, okay, now I'm going to put you, and you're going to be the father of many. You're going to be the father. And everyone that dies, that's righteous dead. Abraham, David, all these people, I mean, all these people that died after him, they all went in him. They were protected by that covenant, that covenantal, the abrahamic covenant. There's different covenants out there. I believe there's like either five, six or seven, Noah'di covenant, abrahamic covenant, all these adamic covenants. But there's the Davidic Covenant, the mosaic covenant. But when you, what I'm trying to say is that whatever you do, you want to come in empty handed. [00:46:00] You want to ascend because you can't ascend anyway. If you have stuff in your hands anyway. You want to ascend empty handed, you want to go into his presence, you want to be face to face with him, you want to get him to give you something. And then when you pray those prayers, and that prayer doesn't have to be just prayer once. [00:46:18] It's something that you pray until he tells you to stop praying. [00:46:23] You pray so he may give you, you know, maybe a prayer. Like for example, you remember, they knew the story about them going into Egypt because Abraham was shown beforehand that his children and his descendants, before they become a nation. [00:46:44] And that was the whole goal. The end game was to make them a nation. But they couldn't become a nation if they were comfortable and lukewarm. They had to go under persecution. Usually the way it works is when groups of people are persecuted, killed, and da da da da, guess what? They just end up having children. I mean, it just is just the way it is. You got slavery, you gotta have children. [00:47:12] But the good thing about going through some of these bad things is that a nation arose out of that and they had to. They were actually big enough to go and destroy the enemies of God in the land that he has chosen for them. [00:47:27] And Abraham saw that beforehand. He told them. He told them all this stuff that was going to happen. [00:47:35] But guess what? They prayed during these times. They prayed. They prayed for that time to come. But the bowls were not filled yet. So there is this thing called in the scripture, it says, until the. [00:47:52] The sins of the Amalekites or the so and so, until it's fulfilled, then nothing happened. So that's the harp and both thing that we talk about. It means that in our lifetime. I remember when I first ran into James Gaul and I was in, it was at morning start, and I was, you know, I went to go visit because Bob Jones was going to be there. And I ran into these young group and some of these people are famous now. And they were in. This group was called the Justice House of Prayer. And they were fasting and praying and they had these bunk beds. And now I'm just coming out of the military. [00:48:33] I was still in, but I took some time off and I went there and these folks were fasting and praying. And I said, wow, I would never had this opportunity to do this. So some of the guys that I met there say, hey, why don't you stay with us? So I stayed there and we were praying. And while I was there, you know, of course, I learned the things that they were doing. They were praying and fasting and they had these wristbands. They're called bound for life. And the only prayer they were praying and they had this prayer, they prayed it the same way. And it was more about. It was about abortion. They were praying against abortion and that the roe versus will would be reversed. And this was before they even went to, I think they went to Washington, DC or whatever and put the tape on their mouth and everything. [00:49:21] And those people actually happened to be with them even before they were, like, huge. [00:49:27] And I remember I said, wow, this is so cool. But they prayed the same prayer until Roe versus where it got reversed, or they prayed until the bowls got poured out, and. But somebody got it in a dream, somebody got it from the heavenly places, shared it with everybody else. And then those prayers are prayer that actually have a big purpose for a group of people. Right. And what I'm saying is, it's the same thing that those in the, you know, in Egypt, they were praying that one day a deliverer would come and that they would recognize him and that when he does come, they would listen and they would move quickly and they would go back to their land where they came from. And there's a lot of prophetic words like that in the scripture. And so it would be who of us to know those that are written in the scripture, but it would also be who of us to get new revelatory things in the heavenly places. So that when those Kairos moments, because the word kairos is for time, but it's for opportune time. So in the timeline, which we think is chronological, which is for chronos, we think that time is linear, like from one point to another. But the thing about it is that there are things in our lifetime that we must do, that we are called to do, like Esther, for such a time as this that before we die, we have to accomplish certain things. Whether it's talking to somebody in the middle of a bus and having them saved, whether it's doing a ministry and doing that. It doesn't matter how big or small. There are certain things that you have called to do. [00:51:06] But there is opportune time in Karasa. You don't want to miss those times, because if you're not in the will of God, in the perfect will of God, you will miss those moments. And sometimes you'll probably have to go around the mountain three or four times before you get to those moments. That's why you need to be clean and pure at all times and be in the perfect timing of God. So that when those moments come in, your angels will guide you, your angels will protect you, and the angels that the Lord has placed before you will have you in the open doors. Because there's a lot of doors. But if you're not in the place where you need to go through those doors, you can't go through those doors. Opportunities or whatever they are. Right. But the way that you know this is where you are in the place where you can stand still, you can wait in silence, or you have gathered together in oneness with God, and you found out those missions and those special moments that are coming before your life. For me, I'm not gonna lie. There are certain things that I've already known that I was gonna be doing already, because I either heard it in prophetic words, the Lord showed it to me beforehand, not because that I feel that I come, or I know that I'm a prophet or whatever. Whatever. It's not a that. It's just that every one of us have an inkling of an idea of what God wants us to accomplish on this earth. And he gives us sprints, he gives us timelines, he gives us things that we must do and so that we don't waste time. I'll give you an example. Joseph knew that one day his gift of dream interpretation will be of value and that he will be raised. He will come up to a place, platform where even his mom and his dad and his siblings would bow down to him. [00:52:55] Even though he was cocky about it, he knew it. And so he prepared himself. He kept himself holy, he kept himself pure, not unlike his brother. [00:53:05] And he went through. The word was tested in him, so the word will be tested in you. But just because it's not there doesn't mean that you stop there. You have to. Those are the prayers that I'm talking about. You take those prayers, you may even have an inheritance scripture, which we all do. You find it, you say, okay, what is my inheritance? What is it that I'm supposed to be doing? Even Jesus knew when his time was in the sense of he knew what he was supposed to do, but the timing was a little bit off where his mother, who is somebody of authority over his life, said, hey, do this. Change that water to wine or help them or whatever at the wedding. And he was like, oh, it's not my time yet. Whatever. And guess what? When he listened to the people of authority in his life, his timing was caught, and he was. His ministry started right there. Bam. [00:53:51] And we got to look for those things in our life. Where are we supposed to be? [00:53:56] Am I at the right place? Am I at the right time? Am I talking to the right people? Am I with the right crew? [00:54:02] Am I with the right tribe? [00:54:05] It's so important that you do that, but it takes all on these types of prayers that are very personal, very personal. [00:54:12] There's some of these things, you may not even ready to share them with your spouses yet, because you're getting ideas you're thinking. You're saying, okay, lord, where am I supposed to be? Where am I supposed to do? I've known some things. I know I'm supposed to be here. At that time, I knew when I was supposed to be in Puerto Rico, because when the lord showed us me, I knew I was going to be there. I had an inkling, and when I did, I got there. Guess what? [00:54:34] Everything fell into place. I had to sacrifice different things. I had to give up a lot of different things, right? So know those. Know those things. Know those prayers. All right. The last word in the Hebrew language that's used to convey the concept of waiting is shaka, is to wait earnestly with a loving anticipation. Psalms 33 20. Now, I've shared this before. You can find this list in the wait as eagles by Sadhu Sadaraj. [00:55:08] It's free on his website if you ever look him up. [00:55:12] But anyway, you could also find him in the Bible because these are just inexhaustive definitions of those words. [00:55:22] But I want to, I'm sharing that to explain to you that not all prayers are meant to be intercessory prayers where you're yelling and you're with people. [00:55:34] Some prayers include the lectio divina, the reading of the word, some prayers, the prayer with the word, the worship with the word. You see, there's a harp and a bowl. You know, the incense is involved in the scripture. Every time you see the prayer of the saints is equated to incense. So there's an incense that rises up into the nostril of the Lord, and he responds based upon what he's smelling. So some of us prayers think before the Lord, because we're just praying things that we just feel like, okay, well, this is on the agenda. I'm gonna pray it. No. You know, have you ever prayed a prayer and you feel such a strong anointing? Or maybe you start crying, or you feel like maybe because the Holy Spirit wants you to pray more about that situation. [00:56:24] And that's how you know these things when you're spending that quality time with him and he's revealing these things to you. [00:56:32] All right? And the pattern always comes from the heavenly pattern, right? It comes from the heaven to earth. [00:56:43] Right? Not the other way around. And whether it was the tabernacle of Moses, the temple of Solomon, or the tabernacle of David, somebody got it from somewhere in the heavenly places and brought it down to us so that we can see it. See, people are looking into the past, trying to figure out what we're going to do in the future. But that's not the way that the Lord works. It's actually looking into the heavens, which is actually our future, because the heavens and the earth, there's going to be a new heaven and a new earth. The heavens will come down, and Jesus Christ will sit on the throne of David forever. And so let it be done on earth as it is in heaven. That's what Jesus says. [00:57:24] It's about the kingdom of God changing itself and becoming like what heaven looks like, where the Lord is seated at where the Lord is at. There's no sickness in heaven. There's no crying in heaven. There is not a lot of things that we see today on earth. So the reason why we're not seeing that is because we're not following the pattern of the kingdom. Everything can be shaken, but the kingdom cannot be shaken because it belongs to the king. King Jesus is not shaken, all right? And so if you're hidden in him, everybody around you will be shaken. And I think apostle Pearl will say, she's an agoshim, right? And that's where we need to be. They were going through famine. They were going through. So, so they had the best land, the best choice of land, the best of everything. In that little small section in Goshen. [00:58:19] We need to have a goshen. And that goshen place, I'm not talking about, you could actually have your own little prayer room if you want, but it's actually within your spirit. That's where the goshen belongs. That's where the goshen is. Because it could be every, you could be at an airport, it could be in a plane, and people are crying, oh, we're gonna die, we're gonna fall. But if it's not your time and you know it, and you're sitting in your goshen, and you just step into that goshen in that place where you and the Lord can see face to face and eye to eye where the heavens are present, and you are in the heavenly places with the Lord Jesus Christ. [00:58:57] And the Lord will speak to you right then and there. [00:59:00] That is a portable tabernacle. [00:59:03] It's the mercy seat. That's what the mercy seat is being carried everywhere. See, God design was not that he would be hosted in temple made with hands, but that he would be hosted in portable tabernacles, just like the way that it was before, where the priest carried it. And that's how we should be carrying the presence of God. And you have to have that place of consecration that once you develop that kind of waiting and listening and being in the presence of God on a daily basis, that you could be in a crowded street with 10,000 people, everybody's yelling. But guess what? The only person that matters and the only voice that you hear is the still, small voice of the Lord. I mean, think about it. [00:59:58] I'm sure some of you have done this before. Maybe in your younger days, maybe, you know, you were. [01:00:04] You were married to somebody or you had a girlfriend and you were like five. I remember I was five, six, seven years old. And there was this girl that I liked, and we were, you know, I mean, it's not really. We weren't really real girlfriends, but of course, in our minds we think we are. And we were sitting, looking at each other face to face. There's all this stuff going on in the middle of a whole bunch of crowds of people. And we were like, you know, rubbing each other's face with a little feather. Just kids. It's all innocent. But nobody else mattered. We just looked at each other like innocent. Like lovey dovey, you know? And that's the way that the Lord is looking for that kind of intimacy where the whole world could be on fire, but you have this passion, and you could just look at God and say, God, you're just amazing. [01:00:56] You could be in the middle of the Titanic, and it's breaking and it's falling and it's going. That kind of prayer is. The kind of prayer that I'm talking about right now is you're looking in him face to face. He's looking into you, and you're smiling, and you know exactly what he means. [01:01:14] It's like, oh, God, I'm so happy that you're here. [01:01:20] What is it that you want me to do today? [01:01:23] What are you saying? [01:01:27] All the chaos. Cause, remember, peace is not a thing. Peace is not an environment. Only peace is the person. Just like truth is a person. Peace is the person. Grace is the person of the Lord Jesus Christ himself. [01:01:45] That's why it says that you can go into somebody's home and you could shake the dust off your feet and not leave that peace there. That's the same way. That means that you are able to carry with you the very presence of God, the very person of God. And you can release the very person and the very presence. The peace and the shalom of God. The shalom, shalom of God. [01:02:14] That you're shifting atmosphere anywhere you go because you're carrying. I mean, just. Just imagine this. Stop thinking about yourself for now. Just think about it. Remember when they had the tabernacle that they had the mercy seat, the ark of the covenant, and they carried it and the priest carried it. I mean, wrong. People touch it, they died. People that, you know, that had it in their. In their house, they got blessed. I mean, everywhere that the tabernacle went, like idols were falling and had, you know, the idols that, you know, they would fall, the God, the fish God would fall and break its neck. And all this because the tabernacle, because of the presence of God, the very glory of God, was in that box, literally. And this is a wooden box with gold around it. Now, think about it. That you're not made out of. We actually made out of gold in a sense, but because we come from the earth and. But anyway, we are that right now. [01:03:09] And if anybody touches you that's not supposed to touch you, they should die. Literally. [01:03:15] If you touch anybody, they get healed. [01:03:20] If you are in the presence of whatever, they get affected your shifting atmosphere. You don't like Starbucks because you think it's a fish when you go there. Guess what? Now it's holy Starbucks. It doesn't matter. You go to this church, you go to that, you're a walking tabernacle. You're a walking mercy seat where the Lord is seated in his place and he's commanding. That's what the kingdom. That's why he says, the kingdom of heaven is at hand, because it's from within you that the very presence and the very glory is coming out. But in order for you to do this, you have to learn to practice his presence. And it takes. It will take some time. [01:04:03] I've heard of stories of. I don't know if it was John Wesley or some of these other folks during their times of glory, where the presence of God was so strong upon them that they would be riding, and they would go into a train, and that train, when it would stop in New York or in Chicago or wherever, that people would fall in fear at the very presence of that train in that compartment being in their region. Because John Wesley or so. And so whoever was in there, I can't remember the exact person it was that the circumference of the presence of God was so strong that when that minister went to this church, bystanders walking by the church would feel the conviction of the presence of God. And they would fall in the grass and begin to pray and ask God to forgive them of their sins and throw away their drugs and all these things. Things why, they don't even know. But the presence of God was so strong in this individual that it brought them to tears. That is what we need to aspire to that level of. Because remember, prayer is communication, but it's also relationship and habitation. See, we're always looking for visitation. Oh, we want to get visited. It's great. We do want visitations. There's times of visitation, but we want times of habitations. And those times of habitations are supposed to be permanent and continual, like a continual flow. It doesn't matter where you go. It doesn't matter which room you go to, doesn't matter what platform you go to. When you open your mouth, the spirit of God is coming out, and people are receiving the presence. Why? Because you've been receiving from the very, very God himself, Holy Spirit. [01:05:55] Like, wow, the cloud. Like cloud by day and fire by night. Like where you go places, like people are shifting their ideas and their confusion has gone away. Now, they're not thinking that boys are men, and I mean, boys are girls, and girls, they're like, whoa, there's a glitch in the system. Something happened in the matrix. As soon as this guy came, I'm just like, I feel free. [01:06:17] What does that take? [01:06:20] It takes the price of consecration. It takes the price of spending that alone time. And it looks like you're wasting time because it seems like we're too busy for Jesus nowadays. Monday, I'm busy. Tuesday, I'm busy. Wednesday, I have Bible study with the church. And I'm not saying you shouldn't be doing that. What I'm saying is we're too busy for everything else but spending time with the man, the Holy Spirit, the one that is here right now on earth. I mean, think about that. I've always said this. If Jesus was like Santa Claus at the mall, one of your malls, guess what? There will be a line that would be never ending. As a matter of fact, everybody will be flying to that mall and would be waiting in line to go sit in the lap of Jesus. Hey, Jesus, tell me the story. What do you want for Christmas? But guess what? Holy Spirit is here right now. [01:07:13] Just like that. [01:07:15] And he's just like, look. He's like, where is everybody? [01:07:19] It's 04:00 in the morning. It's 03:00 I'm here. I'm at the mall, but nobody's here. There's no lines. [01:07:28] And Holy Spirit is telling us. He's like, wait a minute. There's a reason why he sent me here to come here to comfort you, to teach you all things, to spend time with you. And there's a reason why he said, I will go and I will send him. My father and myself will send him to you. [01:07:46] And he is here and he's saying, okay, I don't know, maybe they didn't get the notice or they didn't get the memo. I'm here. [01:07:57] So we got to start thinking in that way. Now. They say, okay, holy Spirit, how do we commune with you? See the word commune, communication commune. See, there's a place where we go beyond just the talk, right? You know, with your spouse, if you're legally married, right, to God, there's a time where you're not just talking anymore, you're not just kissing, right? You're going to deep intimacy. Right? There is that place of oneness where you become one. And that's the place where God is saying, where is everybody at? Do people forgot about intimacy with me? [01:08:35] And God is saying, let's come to that place. [01:08:40] And so that way, when you go into the public, see, there's this saying that they say that the private victories is what gives you that public victory, right? When you're at the place of obedience, where you're obeying God when nobody's looking, right? They used to say this when I was in the military. He says, when you can pick up trash on the grass, on the floor and you can clean up when nobody's looking, then that means you deserve a bigger position and to be in a place where people can put you up on the platform because you're doing that. And so if you can do that with him when nobody's looking, nobody has to. You don't have to be part of the school of the Holy Spirit to pray four times a day. You don't have to be part of the school of the prophets at the school of the Holy Spirit. You don't have to be taking a course to be doing that. Matter of fact, that's just us trying to put you into a mode. Matter of fact, we have leaders that told us that when they left, you know, to do other things and everything they said that they were doing this for so long with us that it was. Became automatic, that they started to. It was six at 06:00 p.m. they started to pray. It was midnight. They got up and started to pray on their own. They got used to it to where it was ingrained in them. [01:09:58] And it was something beautiful. [01:10:01] It's like you're not doing it to meet a quota and to put a check on the block, because that's government work, right? We call that government work. We're like, oh, you know what? This is all I gotta do. I just gotta do this and I'm done. I punch the clock and I'm out. No, this is not government work. [01:10:17] This is God's work. This is kingdom work. And when you take care of your own stuff like this, see God, you can't lie to God. You can lie to yourself, you can lie to your buddy, you can lie to your wife, your husband, but you can't lie to God. [01:10:31] And God sees all these things and he's saying, terry, guess what? [01:10:38] Do this. Not because you have to go preach somewhere, not because you have to go do whatever, do it because not only because you need it, but because this is what you want to do. This is what gives you your purpose. God is what gives us our purpose. God is who gives us that ability to do everything that we do now and tomorrow. And then on top of that, you're getting fresh revelation, fresh impartation. I mean, we think we get filled by the Holy Spirit. Is one time, just one time, and that's it. No, it's continual. Can you imagine you getting married to somebody and say, okay, we're only going to have sex just one time on the day of marriage and that's it. Our marriages would be so bad right now if that was the case. Think about that. Think of what you just said. I know, you know, it sounds a little bit weird, but think about it. Can you imagine? You get married to somebody and that's it? You just have sex the first time, and the only time is at the wedding 30 years later. You're not even gonna have a marriage. You can't even last for two days, three days, four days, a week, a year. You gotta have intimacy with God like that all the time, face to face, one, one on one, face to face. [01:11:56] But that face to face is not only in the secret place, but that secret place is not something that we're talking about, just a closet. What I'm talking about is the lifestyle of while you're walking, you could be at the DMV, the worst place to be waiting at, where there's government work and people don't want to work. And you can just be in the glory of God while you're waiting, not even reading a book, but just talking to God, engaging with him in this, just, oh my goodness. Like he is in you, you're in him. [01:12:29] Your agenda is being filled with him. And you're talking, I'm gonna do this. I'm gonna do this. I love you, Lord. Okay, what is it? What you got? That's the place where he wants you to be. That's prayer and communion. [01:12:44] But that comes with a price. That price is you wasting your time on God. [01:12:52] No, I used the word that the world would use so that you could understand it. [01:12:58] You got to waste your time on the holy spirit. [01:13:06] Give him your time. Give him the strength of your youth. [01:13:11] Give him the strength of your life. [01:13:14] Give him that time. [01:13:16] Amen. [01:13:21] Thank you for taking the time to listen to the full message from the school of the Holy Spirit. Find us on the clubhouse audio app. For more information, visit [email protected] club that's schooloftheholyspirit club.

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